Aur o Gymru’r Oes Efydd

Aur o Gymru'r Oes Efydd

Late Iron Age shield boss

Fragment of a shield boss which, together with fragment 63.419/7, forms the ornamental casing of a shield boss of similar type to 63.419/1&2, but somewhat larger. As far as can be ascertained from the surviving decoration on fragment 63.419/7, the boss featured a central roundel embossed in the same manner as 63.419/1&2 with rolled-graver lines in the grooves, but with a palmette-derived pattern with "lyres" and attached volutes, and with raised mouldings along the upper and lower edges, separating the boss cover area from the midrib.

The fragment shows traces of an original flange and has one rivet-hole.



Archeoleg a Nwmismateg

Rhif yr Eitem


Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad

Enw'r Safle: Tal-y-llyn, Gwynedd

Dyddiad: 1963 / Jun

Nodiadau: Found half-buried in a cavity under a large boulder between a footpath and the west side of the ravine of the Nant Cader at 800 feet above O.D. on the slopes of Cadair Idris near Tal-y-llyn.


Donation, 23/3/1992


width / mm:150.0 (assumed)


copper alloy


St Fagans Gweithdy gallery : Celtic Art

Caiff Casgliadau Arlein ei ddiweddaru yn rheolaidd, ond gwnewch yn si’r bod eitem yn dal i gael ei arddangos cyn ymweld yn arbennig.


hoard Bronze casting
Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.