
Wedi integreiddio'n berffaith ond...

Tamil a aned yng Nghaerdydd yw Lavan. Mae'n un o ail genhedlaeth teulu o fewnfudwyr o Sri Lanka. Dyma rai enghreifftiau, yn ei eiriau ei hun, o'i brofiad o fod yn berson Tamil yn y Deyrnas Unedig.

Myfyriwr wedi troi'n ffoadur

Daeth Sivagnanam (Siva) i Brydain yn 1972 i astudio yn 21 oed. Fodd bynnag, gyda'r sefyllfa yn Sri Lanka yn symud tuag at ryfel cartref, gweddnewidiwyd bywyd Siva yn y Deyrnas Unedig hefyd. Dyma gipolwg byr ar ei fywyd yn y Deyrnas Unedig trwy ei lygaid ef. (Trawsysgrif o recordiad Saesneg)

Natali Hadad

I was born in a city called Homs in 1955. I went to school there and then moved to Damascus for my university studies in medicine. In Syria I worked as a microbiologist. I have been in the UK for one year. I entered the UK via the United Nations’ Refugee Resettlement Scheme and I am currently living with my daughter’s family. My daughter and her husband have been living in Cardiff for many years and they have four children. I have three sons who are in Europe.

Sulaiman Sulaiman (Perchennog tŷ bwyta Jasmin Falafel)

I was born in 1993 in Manbij, which is the largest city in the Aleppo region inhabited by 1 million people. It is about 35 km from the Turkish boarders and 80 km from Aleppo… I finished my primary and secondary education in Manbij. At university I studied electrical engineering for two years but didn’t continue as I wanted to help my dad support the family. I worked in a shop that sold building and construction equipment to houses and companies. I am married with one child aged one year and two months. I came to the UK in 2014 and I applied for asylum when I first entered the UK. After five years I have thankfully got my permanent leave to remain.