Amser Bwyd
Hafan Amser Bwyd
Y Rysáit
Byddwch angen
- hanner pwys o flawd plaen
- dau lond llwy de o sinsir mâl
- llond llwy de o sbeis cymysg
- dwy owns o ymenyn
- wyth llond llwy fwrdd o driog du neu driog melyn
- owns o siwgr coch, meddal
- un wy
- chwarter peint o laeth
- hanner llond llwy de o soda pobi
- Toddi’r triog, yr ymenyn a’r siwgr uwchben gwres isel.
- Gogryn y blawd, y sinsir, y sbeis a’r soda i ddysgl fawr ac arllwys y triog toddedig, etc., arnynt.
- Curo’r wy a’r llefrith, eu hychwanegu at y defnyddiau eraill a’u cymysgu’n drwyadl.
- Iro tun ymyl-isel a gorchuddio’i waelod â haen o bapur ymenyn.
- Rhoi’r cymysgedd ynddo a’i grasu mewn ffwrn weddol boeth am ryw ddeugain munud.
Llanybydder, Caerfyrddin.
sylw - (2)
Hi Joy
'Mixed Spice' can contain cloves, nutmeg (or mace, which is more economical) and cinnamon. Commercially prepared mixed spice can also contain ginger and coriander seeds. In recreating 17th Century gingerbread at St Fagans, I personally experimented with using sweet cicely root and aniseed, as they would have been available at the time and add a good flavour to the gingerbread. The recipe above, however, was recorded in the 20th century and so commercially-prepared mixed spice might be more appropriate if you are hoping to prepare an 'authentic' recipe.
Thanks for your enquiry
Digital Team
What would be in the mixed spice? Cinnamon?