Amser Bwyd

Hafan Amser Bwyd


Pen Llŷn, Gwynedd

Crafwr tatws ‘Diamond’, Llanfyllin

Yr oedd hwn yn bryd cyffredin i ginio.

Mynytho, Llŷn.

‘Stwnsh’ yw’r enw ar y bwyd hwn mewn ardaloedd eraill yng ngogledd Cymru; paratoir ‘stwnsh rwdan’, ‘stwnsh pys’ a ‘stwnsh moron’ yn yr un dull â’r uchod.

Mopren – pren arbennig a ddefnyddid i chwalu tatws.  ‘Roedd enw’r pren hwn yn amrywio mewn gwahanol rannau o’r wlad, e.e. ‘mutrwr tatws,’ ‘pwnner,’ ‘stwnsher’.

Y Rysáit

Byddwch angen

  • tatws
  • rwden, pys, neu foron
  • halen


  1. Glanhau’r tatws, y rwden, neu’r moron, a’u torri’n ddarnau heb fod yn rhy fân. (Rhoi’r pys yn wlych mewn dŵr oer dros nos cyn eu defnyddio.)
  2. Lled-ferwi’r rwden, y pys neu’r moron mewn dŵr a halen cyn ychwanegu’r tatws atynt a’u cyd-ferwi am ryw chwarter awr nes y bônt yn ddigon. 
  3. Tywallt y dŵr oddi arnynt a’u chwalu â ‘mopren’.
  4. Bwyta’r mwtrin gyda chig moch wedi’i ffrio.

sylw (2)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Clare S
23 Ionawr 2021, 02:43
My Welsh mother often gave us stwnsh rwdan when I was a child living in Bournemouth - I loved the peppery taste of the potatoes and swede. She grew up in Y Felinheli, Gwynedd and we returned every summer to visit Nain. I still make it today.
22 Awst 2018, 21:19
My late grandmother born pre 1900, later myself and older family members too, plus almost all neighbours made this with the addition of cooked dried peas. None of the ingredients were leftovers but were cooked fresh. It was then left to cool, then fried. We had it every Boxing Day with cold turkey and homemade pickles. We called it ' fryup' but I think that it might have been a very old, recipe. That was in Aberdare by the way.
When I came to live in Swansea, no one I know, even very elderly people, had ever heard of it and assumed that it's bubble and squeak using leftover veg. They'd never heard of caraway seed cake, homemade ginger cake or homemade mint sauce or homemade parsley sauce with home boiled ham, either. No one made egg custard tart with nutmeg sprinkled on it.
It wasn't connected to poverty, in Aberdare either. All relatives, neighbours etc had good jobs. Many grew fruit and vegetables in their gardens and allottments.None of the female members of the family worked so pehaps they had more time to cook. People with non working older family members here in Swansea didn't recognise the recipes either, though. Maybe there were some of course but I didn't hear of them.
What has always puzzled me is the difference between the two areas. Herbs and spices - used far less. No one had ever made bread, in their families. ( Swansea). Pea and ham soup using dried peas - no. Baked apples - no. Stuffed breast of lamb, cawl too - no. Whinberry/ whimberry, apple, rhubarb, gooseberry, blackberry etc etc plate tarts - no. Making parsley stuffing - no.
It was a surprising difference 35 years ago when I came to live here. Now, I doubt if much of that way of cooking exists at all, here and probably not much in Aberdare, now, either. 50-60 years has brought extreme changes to a Welsh cooking culture that had probably existed for centuries. It's changed from being able to make pastry, iced Christmas cakes, Welshcakes and pancakes, without even having to think about it, to buying everything in supermarkets. Same with tremendous, sewing, gardening ( especially veg) knitting skills - almost gone.
Did all that home cooking take a long time, by the way ? No.
It would be good to see more emphasis at government, level, about how some things from the past are worth still doing. Wales doesn't need to be categorised as a takeaway or a burger and fries nation.