Amser Bwyd

Hafan Amser Bwyd

Teisen Lap

Pen-prysg, Morgannwg

Ar ganol paratoi bocs bwyd y glöwr. Yr oedd darn o deisen lap yn rhan hanfodol o’r cynnwys.

Y dull traddodiadol o grasu’r deisen hon yn ardal Pen-prysg, Pen-coed oedd arllwys y cymysgedd i’r tun bas sydd ar waelod ffwrn dun (Dutch oven), a’i grasu’n araf o flaen tân coch.  Ni ddylai’r ffwrn fod yn rhy agos i’r tân; rhaid oedd i’r deisen gael amser i godi a chrasu drwyddi cyn y gellid ei throi wyneb i waered i’w chrasu ar yr ail ochr. Gan mai wyneb uchaf y deisen oedd yn crasu gyntaf yn y dull hwn gellid arbrofi heddiw drwy ei chrasu hi yn yr un modd o dan ridyll popty nwy neu drydan. Rhoi’r cymysgedd mewn tun a’i leoli’n ddigon isel o dan y gwres.

‘Roedd teisen lap yn cael ei chyfrif yn ‘deisen bob dydd’ ym mhentrefi glofaol de Cymru.  Byddai’r glöwr yn hoff o gael darn ohoni yn ei focs bwyd a chan mai teisen laith ei hansawdd oedd hi ni fyddai’n briwsioni ar draws gweddill y bwyd. Y mae ansawdd y deisen hefyd yn egluro ystyr yr enw teisen lap.  Teisen wedi’i chymysgu yn wlyb neu yn llap ydyw, yn ôl y cyfarwyddiadau uchod: ystyr yr ansoddair llap yw gwlyb ac yr oedd yn air byw mewn rhai ardaloedd ym Morgannwg. 

Y Rysáit

Byddwch angen

  • pwys o flawd plaen
  • hanner pwys o lard (neu chwarter pwys o ymenyn a chwarter pwys o lard)
  • llond cwpan mawr o siwgr coch
  • llond cwpan o gyrens
  • ychydig o halen
  • ychydig o nytmeg
  • dau wy
  • llaeth enwyn


  1. Rhwbio’r ymenyn a’r lard i mewn i’r blawd, ychwanegu’r defnyddiau sych eraill atynt a’u cymysgu’n drwyadl.
  2. Curo’r wyau’n dda, gwneud ‘llygad’ yng nghanol y defnyddiau a’u harllwys iddo. 
  3. Eu cymysgu â llwy bren, gan ychwanegu’r llaeth enwyn yn ôl y gofyn.  Rhaid i’r cymysgedd hwn fod yn ddigon gwlyb fel y gellir ei arllwys o’r ddysgl i’r tun i’w grasu.  (Y mae ei ansawdd yn fwy tebyg i gytew crempog nag i’r hyn a baratoir ar gyfer gwneud teisen gyffredin.)
  4. Arllwys y cyfan i dun bas a chrasu’r deisen mewn ffwrn weddol boeth.

Pen-prysg, Morgannwg.

sylw (10)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Trefor Jones
10 Chwefror 2022, 22:27
On recent visits to my home county of Carmarthenshire, Bara Brith now seems to be a moist dark currant cake (darkened with tea) rather than the white currant bread I remember as a child (more like the consistency of a toasted tea cake). Bara te or teisen lap was what we tended to call the darker version and was eaten as a cake, bara brith was a loaf shape and eaten as a sweet bread. Commercial versions came ready sliced.
Phill Walkley
19 Tachwedd 2021, 17:47
Growing up in Crumlin, Monmouthshire in the late 40s and 50s, this was a cake Aunty (who lived with us) would knock up at a minute's notice....after years making it for four Miner brothers and Father, all dead at a young age. Being an anglophone household, I did not come across the Welsh until a conversation in Crete in 2018....for me it sounded like an Italian painter... Titian Lap. Recipe rediscovered, it is again often made for and hugely popular with German husband and others in the Eifel/Ardennes Hills of SW Germany.
Karen Hiscocks
12 Chwefror 2021, 19:43
My husband’s favourite, he loved his Mum’s and Aunty Pat’s Teishen Lap and they lived in the Penprysg area of Pencoed.
Marilyn jones
8 Ionawr 2021, 20:11
My aunt always made teisan lap when she had sour milk not to waste it.
Neil Hopkins
23 Mehefin 2020, 20:47
Always remember this being made on a Sunday and eaten throughout the week. My Uncle and Cousin always has some in their lunchbox to take down the Pit.
We had a 3 bedroom terraced house in the Rhondda and living there we had:
Grandfather Plus my brother and me in one bedroom
Uncle and Cousin who shared one bedroom
My father and step mother in the 3rd bedroom

Bit cramped with no indoor toilet or water, tin bath hanging on the wall outside, outside toilet with no flush (old style wooden thunder box) and no electricity in the toilet or upstairs.
Hard time’s.
Marc Haynes Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
11 Ebrill 2019, 11:36

Hi Gwendydd,

Thank you very much for your enquiry. Please try a conversion table like the following:

Best wishes,

Digital Team

Gwendydd Askew
9 Ebrill 2019, 17:07
My mother always made one on a Saturday and we so looked forward to tea time.

I do not cook by gas. Could you please give the ffwrn instructions for an electric ffwrn.

Thank you very much. Diolch yn fawr.

Marc Haynes Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
12 Chwefror 2019, 10:59

Hi Diana. Please see the reply below from our curator who specialises in cookery, Mared McAleavy:

'Yes, you can cook it in the ffwrn (oven). As with all recipes passed down from generation to generation, each family have their set of instructions and they’re all different! Some recipes suggest Gas Mark 1 for 1.20-1.30 minutes; others Gas Mark 3 for 60 minutes or Gas Mark 4 for 35 minutes.

'Keep an eye on the cake, and it should be ready when it’s firm to the touch and slightly golden.'

Dianne misler
8 Chwefror 2019, 17:45
Can i put it in the fwrn (oven), if do on what gas please....diolch yn fawr
8 Chwefror 2019, 16:59
Grew up with my mother making.