Hafan y Blog


Sian Lile-Pastore, 27 Mawrth 2009

I have been away from the gallery for two days, and the Gods and Goddesses have been transformed! The artists are very near the end of this stage, and once the clay dries the painting and decorating begins!

All the figures now have hands and feet and are now looking all smooth (with the help of cotton on top of the clay) and more refined. Have a look at the photos below, and don't forget to come and visit the artists before the 4th April!

Yr artist Dibyendu Dey yn ffurfio'r Dduwies Durga, ei llew, a'i gelyn, sef y diawl byfflo

Pen pain Kartikeya

Y wyneb yn dechrau sychu

Ganesha cyn iddo gael ei baentio

Llew y Dduwies Durga

Sian Lile-Pastore

Uwch Swyddog Addysg, Cyfranogiad a Dehongli
Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.