Hafan y Blog

The painting of the Goddess continues...

Sian Lile-Pastore, 1 Ebrill 2009

Have a look at the picures below which show how the painting has progressed in the last two days.

Y Dduwies Durga yn gorchfygu'r diawl byfflo

Tylluan Lakshmi

Once the base colours were applied, the detailed work began! While Purnendu worked on the eyes, Dibyendu began attaching some of the decorations brought with them from India around the outside, framing the Goddesses beautifully.

Gosod border disglair o amgylch y ddelw. Ystyrir y lliw coch i fod yn lwcus gan bobl India, ac mae gan rhai Duwiau a Duwiesau Hindŵaidd ddwylo coch i ddangos eu duwdod.


Yr artist Purnendu Dey yn paentio llygad y llew

Llew y Dduwies Durga yn ymosod ar y diawl byfflo

Yr artist Purnendu Dey yn paentio pen y byfflo

The artists had also brought with them a frieze they had made at home which surrounds Durga's head and torso. The frieze shows the stories from Durga and Shiva's life.

Gosod y cefndir, a baentiwyd â llaw, y tu ôl i'r Dduwies Durga

Golwg agosach at gefndir y ddelw, a baentiwyd â llaw

Sian Lile-Pastore

Uwch Swyddog Addysg, Cyfranogiad a Dehongli

sylw (1)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Sandip Raha
3 Ebrill 2009, 07:45
It is really exciting to see the progress and all the images coming so colourful. An unique oppurtunity to see the artwork and tradition behind this important Hindu custom. Museum has shown great effort in making this successful.
Reading through the comment book outside Oriel 1 gives an insight into support and appreciation of local as well as many distant visitors of the Museum.