Hafan y Blog

Artist in Residency: Building a Play Area

Sian Lile-Pastore, 3 Chwefror 2016

The two artists we are lucky enough to have assisting Nils Norman on the playground project are Fern Thomas and Imogen Higgins. Fern will be investigating the archives and collections at St Fagans in order to find inspiration and stories for the new play area. Fern's own practice is based in research and she has previously had a solo show investigating the history of the Mission Gallery in Swansea, entitled When the moon fell out of orbit: from the Institute for Imagined Futures & Unknown Lands

Imogen is a recent graduate from the ceramics course in Cardiff Metropolitan although her work has since developed to be more community focused and inspired more by land art. Imogen will be working with community groups and visitors to collect ideas and suggestions to feed into the design.

We hope both supporting artists will be able to share their work, discoveries and experiences as the project progresses.

Sian Lile-Pastore

Uwch Swyddog Addysg, Cyfranogiad a Dehongli

sylw (3)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
sian Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
4 Chwefror 2016, 12:55

hi anna, thanks for your comment and interest. I will be in touch via email.
all the best

Sara Huws Staff Amgueddfa Cymru
4 Chwefror 2016, 11:12

Hi there Anna

Thanks for getting in touch. I have passed on your enquiry to the blog's author .


Digital Team

Anna Brazier
3 Chwefror 2016, 15:46
I am a mature student - on the MFA course at Cardiff Met - I would love to come and see what you are doing at St Fagans. Would it be possible to arrange for me to visit and spend a bit of time with you ? I live locally and have visited St Fagans over the years - my current arts practice is exploring walking and drawing - I'm interested in movement - and have a background in Clinical Psychology and the Alexander technique.

Understand if you have lots of requests - but thought it was worth asking

I could come any time except a weds.

Best Wishes

Dr Anna Brazier