Collective Action for Nature

Penny Dacey, 18 Hydref 2024

Dear Bulb Buddies,

This is one of my favourite times of year! Schools across the UK will be getting outside to plant their bulbs as part of the Spring Bulbs for Schools Investigation. Each participating school was sent a crocus and a daffodil bulb for every pupil in the enlisted class to plant on 21 October (or the closest date possible). This means that some schools will be planting this week and others will plant next week. I look forward to sharing their fantastic photos with you. We run a Planting Day Photo Competition every year, so check in on this Bulb Blog again to see the winning images and follow @Professor_Plant on Twitter to see all of the fantastic photos shared!

We have many fun and engaging resources on the website. Some are specific to the investigation but others can be adapted for all schools. Resources developed to support this stage of the investigation can be found here:

Step 1: Preparing for planting day (early October)

Step 2: Planting day

Step 3: Optional hands-on weather and gardening themed activities

This will also be the second year that we run the Bulbcast competition. This is a fun and creative task that participating classes can undertake alongside the investigation. Our budding scientists are asked to plan, record and edit a short video exploring their favourite parts of the investigation. Resources to support this task can be found here, and the winners will be announced towards the end of the academic year. I can't wait to see what this years creative minds produce. I wonder how many schools will mention or show footage of planting day in their entries?

All participating schools were sent a new resource this year, a cheerful calendar that has been especially designed to help the class document their weather and flower data. This includes key dates for the investigation and a proposed structure for organising the data collection. Teachers can choose to split their class into five groups, who each take turns to document and upload the weather data. The hope is that this will help to give ownership of the investigation to the children.  As a result, we may very well see references to the different groups in the comments I'll share from schools over the course of the investigation. 

I look forward to sharing regular updates on the investigation with you. I hope you are celebrating Planting Day with me, as schools across the UK join together to plant over 18,000 bulbs in this collective action for nature. Go Bulb Buddies!

Professor Plant

Bocsys Teganau Synhwyraidd yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd

Antonella Chiappa & Megan Naish, 16 Hydref 2024

Dros Wyliau'r Haf dyma ni'n lansio bocsys teganau synhwyraidd yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd. Mae 5 bocs, wedi'u hysbrydoli gan y casgliadau a'r orielau. Datblygwyd y bocsys er mwyn cysylltu ag ymwelwyr iau, a gwellau eu hymweliad drwy chwarae synhwyraidd. Mae'r bocsys ar gael mewn pum oriel, ac yn llawn gwrthrychau sy'n cyfateb â'r orielau – bywyd gwyllt y goedwig, bwyd y môr, deinosoriaid, a chelf hanesyddol a modern.

Yn y bocsys mae amrywiaeth o deganau a llyfrau i blant o bob oed ac anghenion. Pan nad oes cyfle i gyffwrdd gwrthrychau yn y casgliad, mae adnoddau synhwyraidd yn gyfle i blant ddysgu drwy chwarae, a gall hyn danio sgwrs rhwng y cenedlaethau am y casgliadau.  

Rydyn ni'n annog ymwelwyr i chwilio am y 5 bocs a rhannu unrhyw adborth a lluniau gyda ni ar @Amgueddfa_Learn ar X.

Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn ar gyfer Ysgolion

Penny Dacey, 30 Medi 2024

Mae'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd wedi dechrau'n dda. Mae'r Athro'r Ardd a'i gynorthwywyr hapus wedi pacio a dosbarthu 175 o becynnau adnoddau i ysgolion ledled y DU.

Mae'r pecynnau hyn yn cynnwys popeth sydd ei angen ar ysgolion i gymryd rhan yn yr ymchwiliad eleni:

- Pot a bylbiau ar gyfer pob plentyn sy'n cymryd rhan

- Mesur glaw a thermomedr i gofnodi data tywydd

- Calendr i gadw cofnodion tywydd a blodau

- Talebau i brynu compost heb-fawn

- Cynllun Tymor hefo dyddiadau allweddol ar gyfer y project

- Pot gwahanol i gymharu defnydd

- Bylbiau dirgel i ddysgu am wahanol blanhigion 

Ar 21 Hydref (neu'r dyddiad agosaf posib) mae ysgolion yn cael y dasg o blannu eu cennin Pedr  a bylbiau crocws. Dyma'r cam cyntaf y bydd ysgolion yn ei gymryd ar gyfer natur fel rhan o'r project.  Dilynwch y blog hwn a'@Professor_Plant ar X/Twitter i weld y lluniau sy'n cael eu rhannu wrth i ni ddathlu'r plannu torfol hwn.  Bydd @Professor_Plant hefyd yn rhannu diweddariadau rheolaidd gan ysgolion, a gallwn ddathlu gyda nhw pan fydd eu planhigion yn dechrau blodeuo!

Yr adnoddau cyntaf sydd eu hangen ar ysgolion sy'n cymryd rhan yw:

- Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion: Canllaw i athrawon

- Cam 1: Paratoi i plannu (dechrau mis Hydref)

- Cam 2: Diwrnod plannu

Gall pob ysgol ddilyn y prosiect a gallant ddefnyddio'r taflenni gwaith ar y wefan.

Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at rannu'r gwaith y mae ein Gwyddonwyr Gwych yn ei wneud gyda chi.

Athro'r Ardd

Ours to Tell

Ivy Kelly, Amgueddfa Cymru Producer , 25 Medi 2024

When it came to writing this article, my thought space had been taken to the theme of journeys; the unknown ground between a beginning and an ending. My journey as a young producer for Bloedd’s latest project, an LGBTQIA+ oral histories exhibition, has been a nearly yearlong one. What began as conversation in a shared space containing mutual interests and passions, defined the nucleus of my work here. The beginnings of this time had been an unpacking of what we felt as a collective was important to represent for an upcoming exhibition. We knew from the jump that we wanted to represent voices that may often go unheard; those whose experience may not be recounted upon by the mainstream perception of what it means to live an LGBTQIA+ life. 

Moving away from the typical portrait of queerness being a thrown brick in protest, that while important, we are more than our fight for freedoms; our stories can be found in the everyday, in the places we visit, the jobs we keep, the people we love and share our lives with. The given name of this exhibition, Ours to Tell, came only after we had completed our collection of stories, the self-described journey we undertook over several months of visits and interviews, holding dialogue with well over fifty years of experience. But what is in a name? Ours to Tell is a reclamation. It’s our way of saying “here is a story, told by a firsthand account of the storyteller”. It’s our way of saying “these words are cut from a book hidden away in the attic of my mind. I’ve ventured into the attic, and I’m dusting it off for you.” It’s our way of saying “this is where I come from”. 

While the journey of this project has been underpinned by a great deal of planning and preparation, what you can’t prepare for is what you might uncover in someone else’s story. You commit to the routine of presenting a series of questions, from you to the storyteller, with only a table between you. It comes as a surprise the level of detail, which is excavated by the storyteller, they are like a hoarder being handed a stepladder, invited to dig up their stowed away possessions from the attic. Your questions are prompts: “when did you first see your identity reflected in someone else?”, “what does a safe space look like to you?”, the list goes on. The exciting part is that you don’t know what’s coming next, and you are there, alongside the storyteller, who guides you through a journey which may well bring up a familiarity or nostalgia for the listener. During these times when I’ve had the great pleasure to listen to these stories, I can confidently say that I have felt every kind of emotion in response. I laughed. I have cried. I have been moved. I have been taken on a journey.

Enabling the participants of this project to confidently speak about their experiences has proved an undeniable joy, though I cannot understate how this project has affected those coordinating its launch. Fellow young producer Joss Copeman, like me had been drawn to this exciting opportunity, Copeman’s “personal work is largely centred around queer narratives and themes of identity and the self.” The journey which unfolded from Ours to Tell has been greatly beneficial, as it pertains to young LGBTQIA+ creatives and makers, taking inspiration from unheard voices, now affected and transformed by echoes of their experience. This is a feeling I know will resonate with the audience, and I can only hope it will stir others in future, to share what might be put away, gathering dust in the attic. 

I’d like to conclude with a quote that shook me like a cat in a tree, “Art is not just for oneself, not just a marker of one’s own understanding. It is also a map for those who follow after us.”

Written by Ivy Kelly, Amgueddfa Cymru Producer (Bloedd).

Bloedd is the platform for youth engagement at Amgueddfa Cymru.

Sgwrs gyda Theatr na n'Óg

Leisa Williams a Christopher Parry, 4 Medi 2024

Mae Theatr na n'Óg wedi bod yn frwd dros adrodd straeon ers 40 mlynedd ac wedi cydweithio gyda nifer o safleoedd Amgueddfa Cymru. Gyda'i gilydd, maent wedi cydweithio ar lawer o brosiectau sydd wedi dod â hanes a diwylliant Cymru yn fyw, gan ysbrydoli pobl ifanc ac oedolion ar draws llawer o weithdai a pherfformiadau. 

Mewn blynyddoedd blaenorol mae Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd ac Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau wedi cydweithio gyda nhw ar amrywiaeth o brosiectau. Yn 2009,  sioe Alfred Russel Wallace, y ffocws oedd ymchwil Wallace ar esblygiad a wnaeth sbarduno Darwin  i gyhoeddi 'On the Origin of Species'. Yn 2022, daeth stori Elgan Jones, bachgen 14 oed a arestiwyd am potsio yn 1898, drama ystafell llys oedd hon a osododd y gynulleidfa fel rheithwyr. Nawr, yn 2024, mae Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau yn gweithio gyda nhw unwaith eto ar brosiect yn archwilio hanes y bocsiwr Cuthbert Taylor, a anwyd ym Merthyr Tudful, mewn cynhyrchiad o'r enw 'The Fight.' 

Er mwyn cael dealltwriaeth ddyfnach o Theatr na n'Óg, 'The Fight, a rôl y mae Amgueddfa Cymru yn ei chwarae yn y bartneriaeth, eisteddodd Leisa Williams, Uwch Swyddog Dysgu Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau a Geinor Styles, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig Theatr na n'Óg, i gael sgwrs am brosiectau ddoe a heddiw. 

Defnyddiwch y chwaraewr cyfryngau i wrando ar y sgwrs yn llawn. 

Ynghylch ‘The Fight’ | 

Mae "The Fight' yn ddrama newydd sbon sy'n adrodd stori gwir am arwr bocsio Cymraeg. 

Yng nghymoedd difreintiedig y 1930au, roedd bocsio yn fwy na fath o chwaraeon; roedd yn ffordd allan o dlodi. Ganwyd Cuthbert Taylor yn Merthyr, gwelwyd nawr fel un o focswyr orau ei genhedlaeth, dylai fod wedi cael y cyfle i frwydro am deitl Prydeinig, ond cafodd ei wrthod oherwydd lliw ei groen. 

Gan Geinor Styles, Cyfarwyddwyd gan Kev McCurdy