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Explore Volunteer Blog: Guess the Artist

Ashley White, 28 Mehefin 2019

Here at the National Museum Cardiff, we have several display trolleys of many different kinds. However in this blog, I wish to talk about the flashcard card game featured on our art trolley named Guess the Artist. In this particular game visitors to the museum can sit down with family members and friends inside in the gallery. The idea behind the game is that many artists are enclosed on cards within the box, along with pictures and captions written on each side of the card giving information about the artist and other relevant facts. 

For example, one of the display cards has pictures of works by Vincent Van Gogh. On one side of the card are pictures which you can use to guess the artist’s identity, and on the other side are written captions along with the artist’s name. Families can play the game for several minutes guessing the various different artists on the cards. 

This is particular game is excellent for our many visitors because after finishing the game, they can go in search of the various artworks from the cards, some of which are on display in the museum’s many galleries. This is fantastic for families and a brilliant educational process for all involved.

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.