Straeon Covid: “My memories will be of the selfish people that stock piled and prevented others from having goods”
20 Mehefin 2020
Cyfraniad Mark i broject Casglu Covid: Cymru 2020.
I work in a supermarket. No closure, no furlough, no difference. Panic buying started off with just toilet roll and handwash, other areas largely untouched. But then no section was safe. I took pics on my phone of almost whole aisles stripped.
It might just be me, but while there were stories of volunteer and support groups, my memories will be of the selfish people that stock piled and prevented others from having goods. Those that proudly displayed their stockpiles on social media. And did you know that there are now people bringing back large amounts of pasta, UHT milk and canned goods. “I don't want these now, I want my money back”. At least the company has declined to refund.