: Cyffredinol

Beachwatch 2013 - a great success

Katie Mortimer-Jones, 24 Medi 2013

On Saturday 21st September Amgueddfa Cymru ran their annual Beachwatch event. This involved fantastic family science activities in the morning attended by 41 members of the public and seven members of staff. Participants looked at strandline and rockpool animals and seaweeds as well as fossilised corals and snails. Inspired by the fossils and shells that they had seen, the children went on to create wonderful pieces of artwork using Plaster of Paris on the wet sand of the beach.

After lunch, the volunteers gathered to clean the beach and do a litter survey recording all the items they found. The beach clean was attended by 59 volunteers including many of the families from the morning activities.

The results will be sent to the Marine Conservation Society who will collect the data from this beach and hundreds of other UK beaches that were cleaned this weekend. As well as making the beach safer for people and marine life, the Marine Conservation Society also use the data to find out where beach litter comes from and contribute to marine conservation.

As you can see from the photo we found a lot of rubbish including 9 tyres, half a canoe and a traffic cone! A huge thank you to our wonderful volunteers, Ogmore Beach now looks even more beautiful!

3 days to Beachwatch!

Katie Mortimer-Jones, 18 Medi 2013

BEATCHWATCH – Saturday 21 September

10.30am – 12pm. Amgueddfa Cymru staff will be running  fun family activities for the public to  help them learn about the biology and geology of Ogmore beach. They will be looking at rock pools, strandlines, rocks and fossils along the shore.This year we will also have a fun ART activity involving plaster of paris and seashells. These morning activities are now fully booked, but you can still come along in the afternnoon to help out with the beach clean.

1pm – 2.30pm. Help with the Marine Conservation Society’s annual beach clean (Open to all).

Where: Ogmore Beach, Vale of Glamorgan. Meeting on the beach at Ogmore beach car park – down the ramp in front of the lifeguard centre.

Suitable for all ages, hope to see you there.

Haf ystlumaidd yn Sain Ffagan!

Hywel Couch, 12 Medi 2013

Wel, ma gwyliau haf arall wedi hedfan heibio, ac mae  hi bron yn amser eto i groesawu grwpiau ysgol yn ôl i Sain Ffagan ar ddechrau flwyddyn ysgol newydd! 

Mae’r haf eleni wedi bod bach yn wahanol i mi yma yn Sain Ffagan. Oherwydd y gwaith ail-ddatblygu da ni di colli’r Tŷ Gwyrdd fel adeilad, felly mae’r gweithgareddau natur wedi bod bach mwy nomadig nai’r arfer! Roedd hi’n gyfle neis i mi ddefnyddio ardaloedd gwahanol o’r amgueddfa ac i edrych ar ba fywyd gwyllt sydd i’w ffeindio o amgylch y lle. 

Dros fis Awst, ddaeth tua 1000 o bobl i gymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau natur o amgylch yr amgueddfa, o archwilio yn y goedwig am fwystfilod bach i’n teithiau ystlumod gyda’r nos. Mae’r teithiau ystlum eleni wedi bod yn hynod o boblogaidd! 

Ar ddechrau’r haf naethon ni ail-agor y guddfan adar yn ei leoliad newydd ger ysgubor Hendre Wen. O’n i’n poeni falle byse dim cymaint o adar i’w weld yn yr ardal newydd, ond ar ôl treulio hanner awr yn gwylio’r adar nes i weld 11 rywogaeth wahanol. Gobeithio neith niferoedd tebyg parhau i ymweld â’n bwydwyr o amgylch y guddfan. Mae’r guddfan nawr ar agor bob dydd, felly ar eich ymweliad nesa i’r amgueddfa byddwch yn siŵr i bipio draw i weld be welwch chi! 

Ym mis Awst cawsom bach o fraw ar ôl tan fach yn y Tanerdy. Mae’r Tanerdy yn gartref i grŵp o ystlumod Pedol Lleiaf prin iawn. Torrodd tan drydanol bach allan un bore yn yr ystafell islaw ble mae’r ystlumod yn clwydo fel arfer. Diolch byth, nath y tan ddim cydio diolch i ymateb cyflym gan Wasanaeth Tan ac Achub De Cymru. Yn ystod y digwyddiad nath yr ystlumod hedfan i ardal o’r adeilad yn bell o’r tan. Nath y stori hyd yn oed cyrraedd tudalennau wefan y BBC! Diolch i Anwen am y llunie!

Mae’r ystlumod nawr wedi dychwelyd i’w ardal clwydo arferol ac i’w weld yn iawn. Yn anffodus, nid yw’r un peth yn wir am y camera ystlumod a oedd yn yr adeilad. Mae cyfuniad o ddifrod dwr a mwg yn golygu bydd angen camera newydd arnom, gobeithio cyn gynted â phosib! 

Mae ystlumod Sain Ffagan i’w weld yn mynd o nerth i nerth! Mae gennym ni 11 o’r 18 rhywogaeth sy’n byw ym Mhrydain yn clwydo yn yr amgueddfa, yn cynnwys yr ystlum Nathusius Pipistrelle sy wedi bod yn clwydo yn 2 o’n hadeiladau. Cyn hyn, dim ond 2 clwyd o’r ystlum yma sy ‘di cael ei ffeindio yng Nghymru. Dyma stori arall eleni nath newyddion

Eleni cynhaliwyd 3 Taith Ystlum gyda’r Cyfnos yn yr amgueddfa, a bob un yn llawn! Diolch i bawb ddaeth ac ymddiheuriadau i bawb nath trio bwcio ond oedd methu cal lle! Da ni’n bwriadu cynnal 4 taith mis Awst nesa gyda phosibilrwydd o fwy os oes galw! Os daethoch ar un o’n teithiau eleni ac os oes gennych unrhyw adborth, rhowch wybod i ni yma neu trwy anfon e-bost i’r amgueddfa! 

Un peth arall, hoffwn roi diolch mawr i’n tîm newydd o wirfoddolwyr sy ‘di bod yn helpu dros yr haf! Trwy gael pâr ychwanegol o ddwylo i helpu gyda digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau, mae’n bosib i ni gynnig gwell profiad ac ymweliad i’n hymwelwyr. Diolch yn fawr i chi gyd!

Gwyddowyr Gwych yng Nghwm Rhondda

Danielle Cowell, 8 Gorffennaf 2013

Ysgol Gynradd Williamstown, yng Nghwm Rhondda, ddaeth yn gyntaf o’r chwedeg tri o ysgolion yng Nghymru a gymrodd ran yn ymchwiliad Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn yr Amgueddfa eleni.

Enillodd y dosbarth o Wyddonwyr Gwych daith natur i Sain Ffagan: Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, lle cawsant eu tystysgrifau. Fel rhan o'r daith, cawsant gyfle i astudio madfallod dŵr, chwilio am fwystfilod bach, gwylio ystlumod ac adeiladu nythod mawr yn y goedwig!

Athro'r Ardd: ''Cafodd pob un o’r disgyblion ddiwrnod gwych a dylen nhw fod yn falch iawn o'r ffordd maen nhw wedi cynrychioli eu hysgol. Roedd y safon yn uchel iawn eleni; mae’r ysgolion i gyd yn gwella wrth gofnodi eu data. Gwnaeth Williamstown yn arbennig o dda gyda'u cofnodi ac wedi bod yn frwdfrydig iawn o'r cychwyn fis Tachwedd diwethaf tan ddiwedd y gwanwyn – a ddaeth yn hwyr iawn eleni!"

Alison Hall, Athrawes yn Ysgol Gynradd Williamstown: "The pupils said it was the best day out they had ever had - they loved viewing the bat roost in particular! In terms of the investigation, the children have have loved the whole process from planting and recording to measuring and waiting for the first bloom to appear. It has been great for improving their science, numeracy and ICT skills. We are now really enthused about nature and the environment and are keen to set-up more outdoor investigations in our school grounds".

Os hoffech chi gymryd rhan yn y project hwn y tymor nesaf, llenwch y ffurflen gais ar-lein: www.amgueddfacymru.ac.uk/cy/1738/

I weld ein hadroddiad gwerthuso gan athrawon (Saesneg yn unig), cliciwch ar y ddolen hon: https://scan.wufoo.com/reports/spring-bulbs-for-schools-evaluation-report/

Fel y gwelwch o'r cwestiwn gwerthuso isod mae’r project yn drawsgwricwlaidd:




The famous Mold Gold Cape comes to Wales

David Anderson, 5 Gorffennaf 2013

Im delighted that one of Europes most important Bronze Age finds has arrived at National Museum Cardiff this week! The display of the Mold Gold Cape, on loan from the British Museum, was officially opened in a special event on Wednesday by the Minister for Culture & Sports, John Griffiths.

A highlight exhibit at the British Museum, the ceremonial gold cape, found in north Wales, was made around 3,700 years ago during the Early Bronze Age. Its one of the finest examples of prehistoric sheet and embossed-gold working in Europe. It's craftsmanship and materials reveal the wealth and significance of north east Wales at this time.

The cape was discovered by workmen near Mold in 1833, many years before the establishment of Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Having the Mold Gold Cape return to Wales from the British Museum offers a wonderful opportunity for local people and visitors to enjoy and find out more about their heritage and the early past.

The ancient artefact is in Cardiff until 4 August and then goes to Wrexham Museum from 7 August -14 September, as part of Spotlight Tours, a programme of loans organised through the British Museums Partnership UK Scheme.

Working in partnership with other museums enables precious artefacts of Welsh origin like this to be more accessible to the people of Wales. The Mold Cape contributes significantly to our understanding of cultural expression and power relations in Early Bronze Age Europe, reflected both in life and in death.

There are activities and events related to the Mold Cape here all month so if youre in the Cardiff area, or in Wrexham next month, why not come and have a look at this unique artefact?