: Cyffredinol

Gwobrau Gwyddonwyr Gwych 2013

Catalena Angele, 22 Ebrill 2013

Bydd Amgueddfa Cymru yn dyfarnu Tystysgrifau Gwyddonwyr Gwych i wyth deg pump o ysgolion ar draws y DU eleni, i gydnabod eu cyfraniad i Ymchwiliad Bylbiau’r Gwanwyn – Newid Hinsawdd.

Llongyfarchiadau anferth i bob un o’r ysgolion! Mae rhestr o’r enillwyr isod, ydy’ch ysgol chi yno?

Roedd mwy na dwywaith cymaint o ysgolion yn cymryd rhan yn yr ymchwiliad eleni, sy’n newyddion gwych. Mae’n hyfryd bod cymaint ohonoch chi’n helpu gyda’r ymchwiliad pwysig yma.

Diolch i bob un o’r 4116 disgybl a helpodd eleni! Diolch am weithio mor galed yn plannu, arsylwi, mesur a chofnodi – rydych chi i gyd yn Wyddonwyr Gwych! Bydd pob un yn derbyn tystysgrif a phensel Gwyddonydd Gwych, ac fe fyddan nhw’n cyrraedd eich ysgol tua canol mis Mai.

Diolch yn fawr i Edina Trust am eu nawdd ac am helpu i wireddu’r holl broject!

Enillwyr 2013

Diolch i’r tri enillydd wnaeth anfon y nifer fwyaf o ddata tywydd.  Bydd pob un yn derbyn trip ysgol llawn hwyl i atyniad natur.

  • SS Philip and James Primary School yn Lloegr
  • Ysgol Gynradd Williamstown yng Nghymru
  • Wormit Primary School yn yr Alban

Ail safle

Bydd pob ysgol yn derbyn tocyn anrheg i brynu offer ar gyfer eich projectau garddio.

  • Balcurvie Primary School yn yr Alban
  • Ysgol Gynradd Sofrydd yng Nghymru
  • Stanford in the Vale Primary School yn Lloegr

Clod uchel

Bydd pob ysgol yn derbyn tystysgrifau, pensiliau, hadau blodau’r haul a hadau perlysiau.

  • Balmerino Primary School
  • Blaenycwm Primary School
  • Britannia Community Primary School
  • Coed-y-Lan Primary School
  • Coppull Parish Primary School
  • Dunbog Primary School
  • Freuchie Primary School
  • Glyncollen Primary School
  • Henllys CIW Primary School
  • Oakfield Primary School
  • St Athan Primary School
  • St Joseph's RC Primary School (Penarth)
  • St Roberts Roman Cathlic Primary School
  • Torbain Primary School
  • Tynewater Primary School
  • Westwood CP School
  • Ysgol Gynradd Talybont
  • Ysgol Nant y Coed
  • Ysgol y Ffridd

Cydnabyddiaeth arbennig

Bydd pob ysgol yn derbyn tystysgrifau, pensiliau a hadau blodau’r haul.

  • Brynhyfryd Junior School
  • Bwlchgwyn CP School
  • Darran Park Primary
  • Gladestry CIW School
  • Greyfriars RC Primary School
  • Hawthornden Primary School
  • Kilmaron Special School
  • Lakeside Primary School
  • Llangan Primary School
  • Magor Church in Wales Primary School
  • Milford Haven Junior School
  • Newburgh Primary School
  • Newport Primary School
  • Rhydypenau Primary School
  • Rogiet Primary School
  • St Mary's Catholic Primary School (Wales)
  • St Mary's RC Primary School (England)
  • Stepping Stones Short Stay School
  • Thorneyholme RC Primary School
  • Ysgol Bodafon
  • Ysgol Bryn Garth
  • Ysgol Clocaenog
  • Ysgol Deganwy
  • Ysgol Hiraddug
  • Ysgol Porth y Felin

Ysgolion i dderbyn tystysgrifau

Bydd pob ysgol yn derbyn Tystysgrifau Gwyddonwyr Gwych a phensiliau.

  • Archbishop Hutton's Primary School
  • Auchtertool Primary School
  • Cadoxton Primary School
  • Christchurch CP School
  • Duloch Primary School
  • Eyton Church in Wales Primary School
  • Freckleton CE Primary School
  • Fulwood and Cadley Primary School
  • Harwell Primary School
  • Holy Family RC Primary School
  • Hywel Da Primary School
  • Ladybank Primary School
  • Ladygrove Park Primary School
  • LasswadePrimary School
  • Lever House Primary School
  • Manor Primary School
  • Medlar with Wesham CE Primary School
  • Nether Kellet Primary School
  • Northbourne CE Primary School
  • Park Primary School
  • RAF Benson Primary School
  • Rishton Methodist Primary School
  • Sherwood Primary School
  • St John's Catholic Primary School
  • St Nicholas Primary School
  • Stepaside CP School
  • Tor View Community Special School
  • Weeton Primary School
  • Windale Primary School
  • Ysgol Capelulo
  • Ysgol Gymunedol Dolwyddelan
  • Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn
  • Ysgol Morfa Rhianedd
  • Ysgol Pencae

Da iawn, rydych chi wedi gwneud gwaith ANHYGOEL.

Cystadleuaeth Darlunio Cennin Pedr 2013

Llongyfarchiadau i'r disgyblion canlynol am creu darluniau botanegol ardderchog!

  • 1st: Oliver – Stanford in the Vale Primary School
  • 2nd: Sam – St Joseph's RC Primary School (Penarth)
  • 3rd: Daniel (age 6) – Stanford in the Vale Primary School

Goreuon y Gweddill

  • Etward? (age 6) – Stanford in the Vale Primary School
  • Finlay (age 7) – Stanford in the Vale Primary School
  • Jemima – St Joseph's RC Primary School (Penarth)
  • Joe – St Joseph's RC Primary School (Penarth)
  • Joshua – St Joseph's RC Primary School (Penarth)
  • Joshua (age 7) – Stanford in the Vale Primary School
  • Larson (age 11) – Stanford in the Vale Primary School
  • Leo – Stanford in the Vale Primary School
  • Nathan – St Joseph's RC Primary School (Penarth)
  • William (age 5) – Stanford in the Vale Primary School

Diolch yn fawr

Athro’r Ardd

Cofiwch anfon eich cofnodion blodau

Catalena Angele, 17 Ebrill 2013

Y dyddiad cau estynedig i chi anfon eich cofnodion blodau ata i yw dydd Gwener 19 Ebrilldydd Gwener yma blantos y bylbiau! Cofiwch anfon eich cofnodion ata i ar y wefan.

Cofiwch hefyd edrych ar y blog bylbiau wythnos nesaf pan fydda i’n cyhoeddi enillwyr y Cystadlaethau! Bydd enillwyr y Gystadleuaeth Tynnu Llun Blodau ac enillwyr y Daith Gweithgaredd Natur yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar ddydd Llun 22 Ebrill.

Blodau pwy sydd wedi agor yr wythnos hon?

Yng Nghymru, mae Ysgol Gynradd Lakeside, Ysgol Bryn Garth, Ysgol Christchurch ac Rhydypenau Primary School, yn Lloegr Manor Primary School and Coppull Parish Primary School ac yn yr Alban Wormit Primary School i gyd wedi anfon eu cofnodion blodau. Da iawn a diolch yn fawr i’r ysgolion yma!

Mae tipyn o sôn ar y newyddion yn ddiweddar am yr oerfel a’r eira, a pa mor hwyr mae’r planhigion yn blodeuo eleni.  Oeddech chi’n gwybod taw dyma’r mis Mawrth oeraf ym Mhrydain ers dros 50 mlynedd? Roedd hi’n oerach ym mis Mawrth na misoedd y gaeaf hyd yn oed – Rhagfyr, Ionawr a Chwefror! Does dim rhyfedd bod rhai o’n blodau ni’n hwyr yn agor eleni.

Edrychwch ar wefannau Newyddion y BBC* neu Met Office News* am ragor o wybodaeth am y straeon oerllyd yma.

Ym mis Mawrth, adroddodd papur newydd y Guardian bod planhigion yn blaguro ac yn blodeuo’n hwyr eleni, yn enwedig yn yr Alban, a bod anifeiliaid sy’n gaeafgysgu fel ystlumod, brogaod a madfallod wedi dihuno a mynd yn ôl i gysgu am ei bod hi’n rhy oer!

Yn anffodus, gall tywydd oer arwain at fwy o lygredd yn yr aer*. Byddwn ni’n cynhyrchu mwy o lygredd drwy gynhesu ein tai, ond mae’r awyr oer, llonydd hefyd yn golygu bod gronynnau yn casglu yn yr atmosffer yn lle anweddu neu gael eu chwythu i ffwrdd.

Diolch yn fawr

Athro’r Ardd

*Erthyglau allanol yn Saesneg yn unig

Pasg yn y Tŷ Gwyrdd - Hysbysfyrddau a phlannu tomatos.

Hywel Couch, 15 Ebrill 2013

Bu pythefnos Pasg, unwaith eto, yn adeg prysur iawn yma yn Sain Ffagan. Daeth dros 4000 o ymwelwyr trwy ddrysau’r Tŷ Gwyrdd. Roedd amryw o weithdai gennym dros y gwyliau, o weithdy uwchgylchu i blannu hadau tomato ag hyd yn oed cwis arbennig Ffŵl Ebrill. 

Yn un o’n gweithdai - Plannu, Tyfu, Bwyta – roedd cyfle i deuluoedd meddwl am dyfu bwyd eu hun. Roedd cyfle i blannu hadau tomato a mynd a’r hadau yma gatref. Y gobaith yw, ar ôl misoedd o feithrin yr hadau bydd gan bawb planhigion tomato iach a hyd yn oed tomatos blasus erbyn yr haf. Nai gadael i chi wybod sut mae fy nhomatos yn tyfu dros y misoedd nesa! 

Fe ddaeth Wood for the Trees Wales i ymuno a ni am gwpwl o ddyddiau i gynnig un o’i gweithdai uwchgylchu. Yn y gweithdy yma roedd cyfle i droi hen fframiau lluniau a theils corc mewn i fyrddau neges newydd sbon. Roedd hyn yn boblogaidd dros ben, erbyn diwedd y sesiwn roedd pob un hen ffrâm wedi cael ei ddefnyddio! Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gweithdai tebyg, cadwch lygaid ar dudalen Facebook Wood for the Trees!

Eleni, wnaeth Dydd Llun y Pasg digwydd cwympo ar y 1af o Ebrill, sef dydd Ffŵl Ebrill. Roedd hyn yn gyfle gwych i ni gael cwis i ffeindio allan os yw ymwelwyr i’r Tŷ Gwyrdd yn Eco Cŵl neu yn ffyliau Ebrill ffôl. Neis oedd ffeindio mas bod y mwyafrif o’n hymwelwyr yn Eco Cŵl… gyda dim ond cwpwl o eithriadau. Ar ôl cwblhau’r cwis roedd cyfle i wneud bathodyn i dangos i ffrindiau faint more eco cŵl ydych. 

Fel rhan o’r prosiect Creu Hanes, mi fydd defnydd y Tŷ Gwyrdd yn newid. Tra bod y brif fynedfa yn cael ei uwchraddio, bydd y Tŷ Gwyrdd yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel rhan o fynedfa dros dro i’r amgueddfa. 

Dros y blynyddoedd, da ni di cael llawer o hwyl yn rhedeg gweithdai niferus yn y Tŷ Gwyrdd ac yn cwrdd â miloedd o bobl ddiddorol. Diolch mawr i’r sawl sydd wedi helpu ni i gyflawni hyn. Peidiwch â phoeni, mi fydd dal nifer o weithdai a digwyddiadau natur ac amgylcheddol yn digwydd, ond mewn mannau gwahanol yn yr amgueddfa.

Mwy fyth o sylwadau

Catalena Angele, 9 Ebrill 2013

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Glwb Garddio ysgol Stanford in the Vale am anfon y ffotograffau hyfryd yma o’r disgyblion a’u cennin Pedr. Ydych chi’n edrych fel gwyddonwyr go iawn yn mesur y blodau!

Waw! Mae’r blog yma’n edrych yn hir iawn eto. Roeddwn i am ateb mwy o’r sylwadau gwych wnaethoch chi eu hanfon cyn gwyliau’r Pasg...

Eich sylwadau tywydd:

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Two crocuses have opened up today! Our last day of term! Prof P: Great news! I hope more have opened when you get back to school.

Henllys CIW Primary: All children have taken their plants home for the Easter holidays. We had our first crocus flower open yesterday hopefully everyone will keep an eye on their plants during the holidays and record when they open. Prof P: I’m glad you could take your plants home, I look forward to receiving your flower records.

Westwood CP School: No readings on Friday - school closed due to snow. No flowers open before Easter Break. Teacher took readings for last 2 weeks to send from home. Prof P: Thanks for the update, do you have some flowers now Westwood?

SS Philip and James Primary School: We can't believe this is our last week of measuring and sending in our weather data. Thank you, goodbye and Happy Easter!
From the Super Scientists at Phil and Jim! Prof P: Thank you too Phil & Jim Team Super Scientists!

St Joseph's Primary School (Penarth): Most of our crocus bulbs have opened but, sadly, not our daffodil bulbs. We have left our pots at school over the Easter holidays because the eco committee are planning to plant them around the school later. Hopefully, there will be some beautiful daffodil flowers when we go back? Happy Easter! Prof P: That sounds like a lovely idea St Joseph’s. I like the sound of your eco committee, they sound great!

Coppull Parish Primary School: We are all very disappointed as so far we have no flowers. We think we will get maybe 2 or 3, because only one pot is showing any signs of growth. Prof P: I hope they flower eventually Coppull Parish.

Stepping Stones Short Stay School: School finished today on Thursday 28th for the Easter holidays, so we have no records for Friday 29th. Today the first crocus that we have been watching opened fully, at last! Prof P: I’m very pleased for you!

Manor Primary School: Friday 29th: School was not open due to being Good Friday. Happy Easter all. School is back on Monday 15th April. All the pots have shoots but nothing is open yet. Prof P: Thank you for the update Manor Primary! Happy Easter to you too.

Newport Primary School: Week 12:Really cold all this week with snow every day. Week 13: A balmy 5 degrees today. Prof P: Brrr! I have seen on the TV how snowy it has been in Scotland.

Milford Haven Junior School: The quadrangle garden was flooded on Friday due to heavy rainfall at night. Prof P: Did anyone get wet feet?

Ysgol Porth Y Felin: to pp, unfortunately this is our last week doing professor plant. I am here to thank you for joining in our school. nothing is really wrong so, happy easter from ysgol porth y felin. Prof P: Well done bulb buddies! I have enjoyed doing this experiment with you, thanks for your help.

Wormit Primary School: We go on holiday today for our Easter Break. Our crocuses have not flowered yet because we think it has been too cold. We are glad that you have extended the date for recording their flowering dates! We will keep an eye on them over the Easter break- P7 and Mrs Wright :) Prof P: Fingers crossed that your flowers open before the next deadline. Happy holidays!

Balcurvie Primary School: This is our last weather entry as we are off school for the Easter holidays tomorrow. Yeah! Prof P: I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Greyfriars RC Primary School: we are off school on Friday so today is our last day at school and were off school tomorrow so this is our last weather report for now. The bulbs have grown a lot and they are all in bud. We're taking them home for the holiday. We will record flowering dates. They are getting taller and are getting ready to bloom mine is looking awesome we are very excited about our bulbs. Prof P: Excellent work Greyfriars!

Glyncollen Primary School: Thank you for the bulbs. We are amazed at how tall our crocus grew. We are very happy as the daffodils are the national emblem of our country Wales. We have had a wonderful time doing the investigation. Our crocuses have grown well. We are very sad that everything has now finished. Bye bye from year 4 Prof P: The daffodil is such a beautiful sunny flower to have as the national emblem of Wales isn’t it Glyncollen? I love it.

Thorneyholme RC Primary School: Yo Pro P!!! We have had a lot of snow so unfortunately our bulbs are taking a long time to grow. HAPPY EASTER!!!! Thanks for letting us participate in this project. It has been EPIC!!!!!! Hopefully our bulbs will have grown over the Easter holidays. Thanks and bye bye. Thorneyholme. :)  Prof P: I am so glad you have enjoyed the project! Happy Easter to you too.

St Mary's Catholic Primary School: Dear Prof Plant, Our school was closed due to heavy snowfall overnight 21st-22nd March. Our crocus bulbs had just begun to open! and we were very excited and looking forward to taking our pots home for the Easter holidays. Sadly because of the closure the pots remain at school!!! Prof P: I’m sorry that you couldn’t take your plants home, but don’t worry, maybe they will wait until you get back to school and then flower?

Britannia Community Primary School: Still no flowers and very cold! Prof P: Stay wrapped up warm Britannia bulb buddies, and keep watching!

Ysgol Nant Y Coed: Today is the last day of term so we're all taking our bulbs home. All the daffodils have opened or are in bud. We'll record when they flower at home. We've really enjoyed taking part in the project and hope the data we've sent will be useful. Prof P: The data you send in will be VERY useful Ysgol Nant y Coed, thanks for all your hard work.

Diolch yn fawr

Athro’r Ardd

Pasg Hapus!

Catalena Angele, 4 Ebrill 2013

Diolch yn fawr i chi am yr holl gofnodion tywydd a blodau rydych chi wedi anfon ata i hyd yn hyn!

Diolch i chi hefyd am eich holl sylwadau diddorol. Rydw i wedi derbyn gormod o sylwadau dros y bythefnos ddiwethaf i roi lle i bob un yn y blog, felly dyma fi’n penderfynu ysgrifennu blog arbennig yr wythnos hon yn cynnwys llawer mwy o’ch sylwadau chi.

Blodau pwy sydd wedi agor yr wythnos yma?

Mae mwy o ysgolion wedi cofnodi bod eu blodau wedi agor! Yng Nghymru: Ysgol Gynradd Babyddol Sant Robert, Ysgol Gynradd Rogiet, Ysgol Gynradd Glyncollen ac Ysgol Iau Brynhyfryd; yn Lloegr: SS Philip and James Primary School; ac yn yr Alban: Balcurvie Primary School! Gwych! Da iawn chi a diolch am anfon eich cofnodion ata i.

Eich sylwadau blodau:

SS Philip and James Primary School: The crocuses needed some sun for them to open so that we could see the anthers and define them as 'flowering'. Prof P: You are quite right. The sun is shining here in Cardiff today, is it sunny where you are?

Balcurvie Primary School: Mine was the first crocus to flower and just in time for the holidays! Prof P: Hooray, that’s great news!

St. Mary's RC Primary School (Lancashire): Grown to 490mm Planted On The 12th Dec 2012. Prof P: Wow that is a tall daffodil!

Hywel Da Primary School: All daffodils open during the week of 18th to 22nd March. Prof P: Thanks for your report Hywel Da.

Archbishop Hutton's Primary School: On Monday 11th March when we came into school there was about 15 crocuses which had flowered over the weekend. Prof P: That must have been a pretty sight!

Oakfield Primary School: This is our first daffodil to flower called twix. (18.03.2013) Prof P: What a great name!

Newburgh Primary School: It's our first flower and its called 'Craze Crocus'! (18.03.2013) Prof P: That’s a great name too!

Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn: Flowers are very late opening. Daffodils have not opened yet. Prof P: I hope they flower for you soon.

Rogiet Primary School: Our crocus plants are very small we thought they weren't going to flower but today we found a very small one! It is only 9cm high. Prof P: Well done Rogiet for spotting it!

Magor Church in Wales Primary: Daffodils have not flowered yet. (13.03.2013) Prof P: Thank you for that very valuable record, maybe they will flower soon.

Ysgol Bodafon: It is a beautiful daffodil flower. There are 5 heads of the crocus flowers. Prof P: I think daffodils are very beautiful too.

Greyfriars RC Primary School: We haven't had much rain for 3 weeks but have been watering the bulbs. Our watering can leaked all over the floor. We now have a new watering can! Prof P: Oops! Well done for looking after your bulbs so well.

Eich sylwadau tywydd:

Glyncollen Primary School: Thank you for putting our message on your blog. We brought the crocus into class and tried your experiment. It was very cold outside and our crocus hadn't opened but when they came into the warmth they opened. When we took them back out they closed up again. We have got a lot to do this week. We have to research what the mystery bulb is, although they have nearly opened. We have to measure the final height of both flowers and send you photos. We have also got to send you labelled drawings of our daffodils. Our teacher says we deserve a holiday after all our hard work.Yr.4 Glyncollen. Prof P: Wow Glyncollen, you really have been working super hard – your teacher is right, you do deserve a holiday, and luckily it is Easter break! Well done for doing the crocus experiment – I am really pleased that it worked for you.

St Athan Primary: not too sure of rain readings for this week as the gauge has been tampered with over night during the last two weeks. We are sure it's not the pupils during school time as it's been checked prior to staff leaving sorry about that. The children are upset about their part of the experiment being inaccurate despite my assurance that these things happen sometimes! Prof P: I am very sorry that someone has been tampering with your rain gauge. If you need a new one for the project next year I can send one. Please don’t be upset St Athan pupils, I know that you have all been working very hard. I am very grateful for all the records you have sent in, you are all super scientists!

Darran Park Primary: Our crocuses have flowered this week, but as of yet the daffodils have not opened. They have been slow in growing. We are hoping that they will be ready to flower when we come back to school. We are on holiday as from today, for two weeks. HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL .from year 5 children in Darran Park Primary. Prof P: Happy Easter to you too year 5!

Stepping Stones Short Stay School: heavy rainfall over the weekend before Monday 18th, therefore the high measure by Monday afternoon. Heavy snow early on Friday 23rd, some melting by 2:30PM, measuring 3mm. Prof P: Excellent weather reporting Stepping Stones.

Tynewater Primary School: None of our flowers are out yet and we are on holiday for two weeks now for Easter. I am going to move our potted bulbs into a sunnier spot (in front of a south facing wall) for the holidays and hope that they are flowering by the time we get back on the 8th April. Do you want us to let you know what happens? Prof P: Yes please do let me know what happens!

Ysgol Y Ffridd: Yn anffodus toes yr un o'n blodau ni wedi tyfu. Athro’r Ardd: Mae’n flin gen i glywed hynny Ysgol Y Ffridd, ond nawr mae ganddoch chi dair wythnos arall i anfon eich cofnodion blodau. Gobeithio y bydd rhai o’ch blodau chi’n tyfu yn y tair wythnos nesaf. Da iawn chi am eich holl waith a daliwch ati i wylio’ch planhigion!

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Dear Professor, Another week of strange, cold weather, snow at the beginning of the week, bitter cold winds, then today blue skies in the morning, which then has started to rain! I have sent the children home with their daffodil pots, and I have asked them to record the day the flower opens. Happy Easter to everyone and lets hope we do get some sunny weather over the holidays! Regards Stanford Gardening Club Prof P: It’s great that the children have taken their plants home! I hope you have some Easter sunshine in Oxfordshire to help them open.

Sofrydd Primary School: there have been snow showers through out this week. Prof P: It has been a very snowy March in some parts of Wales!

Ysgol Gynradd Talybont: This year we moved the thermometer to a different part of the garden nearer to the plant pots and it was directly in the afternoon sun, so we do not think it is a true reflection of the temperature. Prof P: Hmm, well done for thinking about your experiment so scientifically Ysgol Gynradd Talybont, I am very impressed.Maybe that wall IS a bit warmer than the rest of your garden, but it does sound like you have found a nice sunny spot for your plants to grow!

St Nicholas Primary School: We have daffodil flowers and our couple of crocuses that weren't eaten by squirrels have flowered! Prof P: What cheeky squirrels!! I suppose they must have been very hungry. I like squirrels a lot but they are not very good scientists!

Diolch yn fawr

Athro’r Ardd