: Gwirfoddoli

Volunteering: second-hand book sale at National Museum Cardiff

Maia Reed, 21 Mawrth 2025

I am a history MA student, and since April 2024 I have been a volunteer for the museums second-hand book sale. 

A typical session volunteering includes categorising and pricing donated books stored in the volunteer hub. Once we have chosen which books to keep (which is most of them) we place and organise them at the front of the museum. You can choose how long you want to volunteer for and if you want to be alone or work with someone else. Sometimes there are a lot of books to sort and sometimes all you need to do is put out more on the shelves to sell.

I started volunteering because I took a year off university in between my undergrad and postgrad, and I wanted to do something that would give me an insight into how the heritage sector worked. I find organising and arranging the books calming and the staff and volunteers are always really friendly! 

Maia – Book Sale Volunteer

Behind the scenes as a book sale volunteer at National Museum Cardiff

Daniel Skentelbery, 4 Mawrth 2025

In March 2024, I became part of a team of volunteers at National Museum Cardiff, our objective to setup and maintain a second-hand bookstall in the main hall of the museum.  

I have a background in education, community arts, and creative writing. When the opportunity to volunteer as bookseller with National Museum Cardiff came about, I eagerly applied and was over the moon to have been invited to join. Being involved in the running of the second-hand bookstall resonates with my, and the museum’s, commitment to making education accessible. At the stall, we always have a host of history, science, and arts books available for children and adults. The bookstall also promotes an ease of access to a wide variety of fiction books, which thrills the creative writer in me. 

Whenever I go into the museum, I am warmed by how interested everyone is in the bookstall. I often chat with visitors about their unique finds, or how excited they are to get stuck into a new book, as well as talking about the museum and its exhibits. Members of staff at the museum are always taking an interest too, and I’ve gotten to know some members of the front of house team well. It is always nice hearing about their book finds, or updates about the money the stall has raised, or to catch up and chat about how our weeks have been going.  

We stock the bookstall with second-hand books donated to us by members of museum staff, and members of the public via donations to St Fagans National Museum of History, at which they have their own successful second-hand bookstall. I go into the museum once a week to sort through these donated books, in addition to tidying up and restocking the bookstall. Sorting books sees me sort books by genre, and alphabetise the fiction, as well as to make sure that books are marked with a suggested donation. Green =50p, Blue =£1, Yellow =£2, and our red stickers mark custom prices, usually to highlight rare editions, or bundles.

Sorting through the books is a great joy, we never know what is going to come in, and there are always fascinating gems to be found. I’ll set myself up in the volunteer hub, usually with an audiobook or some music and make my way through the book piles. Some of my favourite donations have been the unique specialist books donated by museum staff, books that you simply wouldn’t find in your average bookshop. But the fact is, I never know what is going to turn up. Several finds which have stood out to me, and highlight the diversity of books that come in, include: the score to Westside Story, a guide to scuba diving, a book of Mastermind questions, and an omnibus of Alien vs Predator novels! Just goes to show that it’s always worth popping in to see what’s there.  

Being a part of the bookstall has been greatly rewarding, I’ve gotten to know lots of museum volunteers and staff alike, and my relationship with the museum has provided me with opportunities to attend unique talks and events for volunteers, such as our tour of National Roman Legion Museum, back in November ‘24. Notably, I am proud of the money that the bookstall has raised for the museum, £4300.88 at the most recent count up by staff!

The second-hand bookstall is made up of four bookcases which can be found in the main hall of National Museum Cardiff. Books can be purchased by making a donation at the card reader, or by dropping some cash into the collection box beside the shelves.   

Daniel Skentelbery – Book Sale Volunteer

Gwirfoddoli: Dewch i Gymryd Rhan drwy gatalogio a glanhau casgliadau yn Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru

Chloe Ward, 2 Medi 2024

'Da ni wrthi'n paratoi ar gyfer y project ailddatblygu yn Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru, sydd ar ddechrau ym mis Tachwedd 2024! Ac eisiau rhoi cyfle i wirfoddolwyr fod yn rhan o'r project drwy helpu ni glanhau, catalogio a phacio'r casgliad o batrymau yn y Llofft Batrwm.

Er mwyn sicrhau bod ein casgliadau diwydiannol pwysig yn cael eu gwarchod tra bod gwaith cadwraeth ac adnewyddu hanfodol yn cael ei wneud i’r Gilfach Ddu, mae’r casgliad yn symud. Wel... rhan ohono! Mae ein Cynorthwywyr Casgliadau a Chatalogio, Mathew ac Osian, eisoes wedi bod yn brysur yn atodi labeli ac yn catalogio eitemau o’r casgliad sydd heb eu cofnodi'n mor fanwl o’r blaen. Byddant yn eu glanhau a'u pacio'n ddiogel gan ddefnyddio papur sidan.

Mae hon yn gyfle gwych i ni fel amgueddfa groesawu gwirfoddolwyr mewn ffyrdd newydd. Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle a rhoi cyfleoedd i bobl leol cael profiadau, datblygu sgiliau a chael gwella eu hiechyd meddwl trwy wirfoddoli.

Swnio'n ddiddorol? Eisiau Cymryd Rhan? Beth am edrych ar ddisgrifiad rôl Gwirfoddolwr Casgliadau sydd ar ein wefan. Bydd modd gwirfoddoli ar ddyddiau Mawrth neu Iau, 10:00-1:00 er gallwn fod yn hyblyg i siwtio trafnidiaeth cyhoeddus. Bydd y project yma'n rhedeg rhwng 24 Medi a 31 Hydref, ond bydd projectau gwahanol gyda'r casgliadau yn cychwyn yn y flwyddyn newydd. Unrhyw gwestiynau? Cysylltwch â Chloe Ward, ein Cydlynydd Gwirfoddoli ac Ymgysylltu ar chloe.ward@amgueddfacymru.ac.uk.

Work Experience at the National Roman Legion Museum.

Lois Davidson, 17 Gorffennaf 2024

Zoe and I completed a work experience week with the Museum. This is my diary of the week. 

Day 1: 

To begin the week, Zoe and I were able to work with Verdun, the Learning Officer, and shadow him whilst he took a primary school class on what the museum calls a ‘Walk with the Romans’, around the Amphitheatre and Barracks. It was clear to me throughout this experience that the children were gaining interest in the presence of Romans in Welsh history, whilst being given the opportunity to dress up in Roman tunics, with shields and wooden swords, and impersonate soldiers charging into battle. The sheer sense of enjoyment from not only the children, but the teachers as well, was clear to me, which I purely believe was a result of the massive amount of enthusiasm and obvious passion for their work shown by the staff involved in providing this experience. By the end of Day 1, I could safely say that I had gained more knowledge of the Romans impact on Welsh history than I ever had in my 17 years of living, along with the ability to understand how to engage with a large audience and maintain their full attention for a long duration of time.

Day 2: 

As my desired career involves marketing, I was given the opportunity to work with Kathryn, the Digital Learning Officer and understand how she advertises the different workshops, events, and exhibits the museum hosts through its website and social media. To begin, Kathryn talked us through the different apps that are used to create digital content to advertise the museum. I was able to create a twitter post for the museum’s twitter account in order to advertise their ‘Roman Classroom’, which is an online teaching platform that involves a ‘costumed facilitator’ explaining all different areas of Roman history. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different methods that are used in order to advertise and market the Museum online, and encourage more to get involved, and immerse themselves in the Roman history that exists in Wales.

Day 3:

For day 3, we spent the day shadowing Dai, Visitor Experience Supervisor. He talked us through what is required of us in order to ensure that visitors are provided with the best experience possible. I was surprised by the sheer number of visitors the museum has every day, whether it is families, school trips, or tourists, whilst also picking up the knowledge of how to supervise and maintain order within the museum.  

Day 4: 

We spent the day with Mark, Senior Curator of Roman Archaeology. We were given the opportunity to photograph artifacts in order to update the museum’s records and provide photos for the website so people can study online.  As well as using the advanced set up to photograph the artifacts, Mark also trusted us enough to handle the objects like a Roman brooch, lioness ornament, and a tile antefix, which was an especially interesting new experience. Along with this I was able to gain knowledge of the stories behind the different artifacts and what they symbolize at the time. After recording the descriptions, accession numbers, and other important information, Zoe and I were able to record that we were the ones that photographed the artifacts, which will then be uploaded for anyone to see.

Day 5: 

I was able to spent some time with Rosie, Commercial Marketing Officer and she gave me amazing advice on steps I can take in order to achieve my career in marketing. As a result, I have gained a contact in the industry I aspire to become a part of, and this is something I would never have been able to attain if it weren't for this work experience, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Lastly, I would like to express how much I appreciate all the opportunities and experiences this museum has provided me with and how much it will benefit me going forward, and Michelle, Engagement & Volunteer Coordinator, who has been a big factor of my experience here, continuing to welcome Zoe and I every morning and seeing us out every afternoon, and ensuring we are given as many amazing experiences as possible. 

I’ve also been inspired to volunteer – and I now volunteer at my local National Trust Property. 

Diwrnod mewn archeoleg - offer carreg cynhanesyddol

Chloe Ward, 1 Mai 2024

gan Sam, Mark, Hannah a Caitlin gwirfoddolwyr Amgueddfa Cymru

Pedwar gwirfoddolwr ydym ni a atebodd yr hysbyseb cyfle gwirfoddoli ar wefan Amgueddfa Cymru, a drefnwyd gan Elizabeth Walker, Prif Guradur yr Amgueddfa. Roedd cyfle i helpu i ddidoli a chatalogio casgliad o offer carreg cynhanesyddol.

Daw'r offer o'r casgliad sylweddol a wnaed gan Henry Stopes, casglwr preifat, ar ddiwedd y 19eg Ganrif. Amcangyfrifir bod rhwng 50,000 a 70,000 o arteffactau, gyda hanner miliwn o flynyddoedd o hanes, yn bennaf Prydeinig, ond mae'r casgliad hefyd yn cynnwys rhai gwrthrychau tramor dirgel.

Bob dydd Iau, gydag Elizabeth, rydyn ni'n treulio tair awr yn didoli'r blychau, gan rifo a chategoreiddio pob eitem. Mae’n waith cyffrous ac yn aml yn cael ei stopio pan fydd rhywun yn dod o hyd i rywbeth mor anarferol, maen nhw eisiau ei rannu gyda’r grŵp. Megis pen bwyell gaboledig Neolithig, wedi torri ac yna'n amlwg wedi'i hailgylchu neu hyd yn oed bêl gerfiedig Neolithig. Bydd Elizabeth bob amser yn ein helpu i adnabod a chynorthwyo gyda ffeithiau diddorol am yr offer carreg. Wrth i ni weithio rydym hefyd yn cynnal trafodaethau diddorol sydd hyd yma wedi amrywio o Beyonce i Ryfel y Boer; Neanderthaliaid i ffilmiau arswyd Corea! Pwy a wyr beth fydd pynciau'r wythnos nesaf?

Rydym ni, fel gwirfoddolwyr, yn teimlo’n ffodus i gael y cyfle hwn i fod yn rhan o’r gwaith amgueddfa ymarferol hwn, i gynnig ein hamser ac i fod yn rhan o’r gwaith o gofnodi casgliad Henry Stopes a fydd yn helpu gydag ymchwil offer carreg yn y dyfodol. Mae’r cyfle hwn yn ffordd ddiddorol o weld sut mae’r tu ôl i’r llenni yn gweithio mewn amgueddfa, ac mae’r wybodaeth a geir yn hynod ddefnyddiol i’n gyrfaoedd ym maes archaeoleg yn y dyfodol. Mae'r swm yr ydym i gyd wedi'i ddysgu o ddim ond 3 awr yr wythnos yn llawer mwy nag y byddem wedi meddwl.

Hyd yn hyn rydym wedi didoli, ail-becynnu a dogfennu 4,659 o offer a mewnbynnu 2,265 o gofnodion newydd i gronfa ddata'r casgliad.