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Dyddiadur Lluniau Crocws

Gareth Bonello, 12 Ionawr 2009

Dyma Ddyddiadur Lluniau fy Nghrocws.

Bob wythnos, byddaf i'n postio lluniau newydd o flodau'r Crocws wrth iddyn nhw dyfu. Cymharwch nhw â'ch lluniau chi.

Ionawr 19fed - Dyma'r llun cyntaf, mae'r blagur yn dechrau codi uwchben y pridd. Ydy eich blagur chi wedi dechrau tyfu eto?


Ionawr 15fed - Mi oeddwn yn gallu gweld pennau'r blagur yn codi uwchben y pridd am y tro cyntaf y bore yma. Dewch nol wythnos nesaf i weld y lluniau!

Athro’r Ardd


Nol at Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion


sylw (11)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
Professor Plant
21 Ionawr 2009, 15:48
Well done to you all for braving the cold! Keep up the good work!
Prendergast Primary School
19 Ionawr 2009, 14:04
There has been a lot of rain and the plants are growing very well.They are nearly sprouting flowers from the pots.
Ysgol Porth Y Felin
19 Ionawr 2009, 14:04
the soil was frozen and the rain fall got frozen too.The temprature has been under minus also
Ysgol Porth Y Felin
19 Ionawr 2009, 14:04
the shoots have gotten bigger but no flowers the ground has defrosted aswell
Windsor Clive County Junior
19 Ionawr 2009, 14:04
everything is going well and we are really having fun
Windsor Clive County Junior
19 Ionawr 2009, 14:04
on friday the water was turned into ice so we had to brake the ice
Peter Lea Primary School
13 Ionawr 2009, 11:49
A very cold week. Brrrrr!! We started back on the 5th. January so recorded from then. Your week was from 7th. to 9th. Jan.
Happy New Year from all the bulbgrowers at Peter Lea.
Prof. P response to Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn
12 Ionawr 2009, 15:50
Those pesky cats! The shoots should keep growing now that you've re-potted them. Good Work!
Milford Haven Junior School
12 Ionawr 2009, 15:50
High rainfall because of hols - water was frozen in rainfall gauge
Prendergast Primary School
12 Ionawr 2009, 12:00
The water in the rain guage was frozen this week.Most of the name tags had been blown off by the wind.Some plants have grown but one pot has nothing in it yet.