: Spring Bulbs

Nadolig Llawen Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn

Penny Dacey, 15 Rhagfyr 2017

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Heddiw yw’r diwrnod olaf i gasglu darlleniad tywydd cyn Nadolig! Byddwch yn cymryd darlleniad tywydd nesaf yr wythnos o’r 8-12 Ionawr. Wrth gofnodi eich darlleniadau i’r wefan, plîs nodwch ‘dim cofnod’ ar gyfer y dyddiau rydych i fwrdd o’r ysgol.

Does dim rhaid cymryd eich potiau adra dros y gwyliau. Os yw’r potiau mewn lle saf lle byddant ddim yn cael ei effeithio gan y gwynt, bydda nhw’n iawn. Mae'r pridd yn cadw’r bylbiau yn ddwfn yn erbyn y tywydd oer.

Mae’r tywydd wedi bod yn eithaf cynnes am y gaeaf, a bydd o’n ddiddorol i weld yr effaith mae hyn yn cael ar ein bylbiau! Gwelodd Tachwedd 2017 tymereddau ucha a llai o law na flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Ac er ein bod wedi cael ychydig llai o oriau haul na'r llynedd, oedd Tachwedd 2017 dal yr ail mwyaf heulog ers i gofnodion DU cychwyn yn 2012! Os mae’r patrwm yma yn parhau, efallai fyddwn yn weld ein blodau yn gynharach flwyddyn yma!

Mwynhewch eich gwyliau Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda,

Athro’r Ardd a Bwlb Bychan



Diolch ichi am eich holl sylwadau, cawsom grynodebau tywydd manwl iawn am yr wythnosau diwethaf, ac rydw i'n hynod o falch! Rydym hefyd wedi cael gwybod gan ychydig o ysgolion bod eu planhigion wedi dechrau blaguro! Byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallai'r ysgolion hyn rannu lluniau gyda mi cyn ac ar ôl y gwyliau Nadolig, fel y gallwn ni i gyd weld faint maent yn tyfu yn yr amser hwn!

Diolch am eich holl waith caled Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn. Edrychaf ymlaen at barhau eto yn y Flwyddyn Newydd!

Athro'r Ardd


Planhigion wedi dechrau blaguro:

Ysgol Beulah: Mae pedwar blaguryn wedi dechrau tyfu.

Ysgol San Sior: Our crocus plants have already started to grow! We are very excited – A.

Ysgol San Sior: A lot of our plants have started to grow but I am still waiting for mine. I'm checking every morning. – C.

Adamsdown Primary: My plant has started to grow.

St Julians Primary School: Lots of our daffodils have started to peek through the compost now.

Hemlington Hall Academy: Some of our crocuses have begun to grow. We can see them peeking through the top of the soil about 1-2cm. We didn't expect to see this until the spring.


Sylwadau am y prosiect:

Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant (Llanelli): Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda oddi wrth Blwyddyn 4 Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant, Llanelli.

St Andrew's RC Primary School: It was really enjoyable to go outside to measure the status of the plants and to plant them.

YGG Tonyrefail: Having fun

Our Lady of Peace Primary School: First day of doing this in December can't wait for Christmas see you then.

Ysgol San Sior: We have asked a school in Barcelona to join us in this project. They have planted some bulbs that we bought and sent them. Their plants haven't grown like most of ours. Carys and Amelia are still checking every day for some growth. Professor Plant: That’s fantastic Bulb Buddies! Please keep me updated on how your projects go and what you learn.

Falkland Primary School: Plants are epic

Falkland Primary School: Cool stuff.


Sylwadau am dywydd eithafol:

Ysbyty Ifan: Dim ysgol dydd llun oherwydd eira dydd mawrth roedd 110 mm o eira yn y mesurydd glaw diolch am y cerdyn

Garstang St. Thomas' CE Primary School: We had local flooding this week!

Auchenlodment Primary School: Storm Caroline brought high winds this week to Johnstone.

Beaufort Hill Primary School: School closed on Friday due to snow

St Teresa's Primary School: The school was closed on Monday due to snow/ ice.

Ysgol Bro Pedr: 2 days off this week due to the snow

Henllys CIW Primary: the school was closed on monday and tuesday and on wednesday it was 43 mm

Shirenewton Primary School: Snow day Monday


Crynodebau tywydd:

Ferryside V.C.P School: Roedd wythnos hyn yn oer a cael lot o glaw.

Ysgol Casmael: Cesair ac eira wythnos yma.

Ysgol Carreg Emlyn: Roedd yr ysgol ar gau dydd gwener oherwydd yr eira felly nid oedd yn bosib cofnodi'r tywydd.

Ysgol Y Traeth: Wedi bwrw cenllysg ac eira ychydig heddiw (Dydd Gwener 8/12/17)

Ysbyty Ifan: mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw eira heddiw

Darran Park Primary: It’s the same as last week the lower the temperature the less rain and the higher the temperature the more rain.

Auchenlodment Primary School: It was a cold and dry week. We were off on Thursday as it was St Andrew's Day (Scotland's patron saint).

Carnbroe Primary School: Hi Professor Plant, we have had mixed weather this week. It was really wet on Monday, on Wednesday it was icy and today it was mild. Our plants are doing fine.

Carnforth North Road Primary School: We had some very cold weather.

Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn: not much rain.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: It's been a cold and frosty week!

St Paul's CE Primary School: Lots of heavy snow this week and very low temperatures. Snow lying thick on the ground Thursday and Friday. Frosty every morning.

Inverkip Primary School: It was frosty throughout the week. This will not help. There was barely any rain.

Waddingham Primary School: Overnight on Thursday, it snowed. By the time we did our readings on Friday, the snow had melted and the water level was 2mm.

Canonbie Primary School: We have had a slight flurry of snowflakes. We have not had much rain. It is quite cold.

Ysgol Bro Pedr: Beautiful and chilly end to a week that started miserably.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Hi been a cold and windy week, very cold and wet. Not excited for the winter coldness ahead. BYE BYE.

Beaufort Hill Primary School: Very cold week!

Garstang St. Thomas' CE Primary School: Brrrrrr!

Peterston super Ely Primary School: It was very cold this week for our bulbs!

St Robert's R.C Primary School: We didn't get much snow!

Inverkip Primary School: On Wednesday, we had lots of rain. This would help the plants grow. But because the temperatures were low, they might not grow.

Arkholme CE Primary School: This week was fairly cold and wet. In the mornings it was very frosty. We could not get to bulbs because of the plumbers. The temperatures were all above minus because we checked them in the afternoon and by then it was warmer.

St Robert's R.C Primary School: It got cold this week and we had a little bit of snow in Bridgend, but not much!

St Paul's CE Primary School: Heavy rain Thursday Friday. Cold all week. Frosty mornings

Pembroke Primary School: Would you like more detailed information as provided previously? I can include daily high, low and weekend information. Professor Plant: Hi Bulb Buddies, if you have time to enter the detailed information that would be lovely! And if you are doing any activities in the classroom using this data I’d love to hear about it!

Bardney Church of England & Methodist Primary: Cold!

Henllys CIW Primary: actual rain fall on Thursday was 25ml and friday raingage had fallen over with the snow

Portpatrick Primary School: Snow on Friday!

Canonbie Primary School: It has been a cold wind and we might be getting some snow. We have had a busy with our Christmas play.

Carnbroe Primary School: Hi Professor Plant the weather has been very cold this week. It started quite mild and damp and then on Thursday it dropped to 4°C. On friday it dropped again down to 2°C and it is very cold and icy but our plants are still thriving.

Darran Park Primary: Its kind of done the opposite to last week. The temperature has been higher and on Thursday we had more rain. Today we had some snow and the temperature has dropped.

Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn: There was not that much rain this week and the temperature was high on the first 4 days and then on the last day it was 4 which is low.

Ysgol Bro Pedr: Rather chilly in the west of Wales!!!

Stanford in the Vale Primary School: We've had snow flurries this morning - it's been a cold week.

Llanishen Fach Primary School: It has been really cold this week. We have checked our bulbs but they haven't grown yet.

Carnforth North Road Primary School: Its been very cold this week.

Carnbroe Primary School: Hi Professor Plant we hope that you have been wrapped up this week. It has been very cold and icy in Carnbroe this week. It rained on Wednesday and today and because it has been so cold its iced over. Our plants are still sleeping. Professor Plant: I have been wrapped up, thank you Bulb Buddies. And thank you for sharing your lovely photos.

Edenham Church of England Primary School: Monday - snowfall not rainfall!!! Professor Plant: Exciting Bulb Buddies, I hope you enjoyed bringing the snow in to melt before taking your readings! Keep up the good work.

YGG Tonyrefail: On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday it was snowing so no record

Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn: The temperature and rainfall have both been very low as there was not much rain and not very hot.

Sut i fesur eira

Penny Dacey, 28 Tachwedd 2017

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch am rannu eich sylwadau gyda'r data tywydd wythnos dwytha. Rwyf wedi atodi rhai yn isod. Mae llawer ohonoch yn ddweud bod y tywydd wedi oeri a bod 'na mwy o law. Mae rhai ohonoch chi hyd yn oed wedi cael eira! Dyma pam dwi am esbonio sut mae meteorolegwyr (gwyddonwyr tywydd) yn mesur eira. 

Mae mesur faint o law sy’n disgyn yn hawdd o’i gymharu â mesur faint o eira sy’n disgyn. Fydd eira ddim yn bihafio! Bydd yn aml yn cael ei chwythu gan y gwynt ac yn lluwchio, sy’n golygu bod yr eira’n ddwfn mewn mannau ond yn llawer llai dafliad carreg i ffwrdd. Oherwydd bod yr eira’n disgyn yn anghyson, bydd y mesuriadau o’r llefydd yma’n anghywir! Dyna pam mae’n rhaid mesur mewn mannau gwastad, agored ymhell o ble fydd eira’n lluwchio. Bydd eira hefyd yn chwarae gemau gyda’r Meteorolegwyr sy’n ceisio ei fesur – bydd yn toddi’n ddŵr, cyn rhewi fel iâ. Felly dyw’r eira sy’n cael ei fesur ddim bob tro yn cyfateb i faint o eira sydd wedi disgyn. Mae eira newydd yn disgyn ar ben hen eira hefyd, ac mae’n anodd dweud faint o eira sydd wedi disgyn o un diwrnod i’r llall. 

Mae’n rhaid i’r meteorolegwyr gofio holl driciau’r eira a meddwl am ffyrdd i ddarganfod faint o eira sydd wedi disgyn. Byddan nhw’n edrych ar gwymp eira (faint o eira sy’n disgyn mewn diwrnod) a dyfnder eira (cyfanswm dyfnder yr eira, hen a newydd). Un ffordd o fesur cwymp eira yw gyda ffon bren. Bydd y meteorolegwr yn gosod y pren mewn lleoliad agored lle na fydd eira’n lluwchio ac yn mesur yr eira bob chwech awr. Drwy glirio’r eira o’r pren ar ôl ei fesur, dim ond eira’r diwrnod hwnnw fydd yn cael ei fesur, a gall y gwyddonydd ddweud faint o eira sydd wedi cwympo ar y diwrnod hwnnw. 

Gallwn ni hefyd fesur eira wedi toddi ar ffurf dŵr. Gallwch chi felly ddefnyddio’ch mesurydd glaw i fesur cwymp eira. Os taw dim ond ychydig o eira sy’n cwympo, bydd yn toddi yn y mesurydd beth bynnag, ond os yw hi’n bwrw’n drwm, ewch â’r mesurydd i mewn ac aros iddo doddi’n ddŵr. Gallwch chi wedyn fesur y dŵr fel rydych chi wedi’i wneud bob wythnos, a’i gofnodi fel glawiad yn eich cofnodion tywydd. 

Os oes eira ar lawr a bod digon o amser i arbrofi, beth am fynd ati i fesur dyfnder yr eira? Y cyfan sydd ei angen arnoch chi yw pren mesur (neu pren eira os ydych chi am siarad fel gwyddonydd gwych!). Gwthiwch y pren i’r eira tan ei fod yn cyffwrdd y ddaear a chofnodi pa mor ddwfn yw’r ddaear fesul milimedr. Rhaid i chi fesur o arwyneb gwastad (fel mainc) mewn lle agored lle nad yw’r eira’n lluwchio. Rhaid i chi gofnodi o leiaf tri mesuriad i gyfrifo dyfnder cyfartalog yr eira lleol. Cyfrifwch y cyfartaledd drwy adio’r cofnodion gwahanol a’u rhannu gyda’r nifer o gofnodion. Os ydw i’n cofnodi tri dyfnder o 7cm, 9cm a 6cm, rhaid i fi adio pob rhif (7 + 9 + 6 = 22) cyn rhannu gyda 3 (22 / 3 = 7.33). Dyfnder cyfartalog yr eira felly yw 7.33cm. 

Mae gorsafoedd tywydd fel y Swyddfa Dywydd (MET Office) wedi troi at dechnoleg i ddyfeisio dulliau newydd o fesur dyfnder eira. Edrychwch ar y llun o un o orsafoedd eira’r Swyddfa Dywydd. Mae nhw’n defnyddio synwyryddion laser i fesur dyfnder yr eira ar yr arwyneb gwastad. Gall meteorolegwyr gasglu data o bob cwr o’r wlad wrth wasgu botwm – llawer haws a mwy dibynadwy nag anfon pobl allan i’r oerfel gyda phren eira! Mae pob un o orsafoedd eira’r Swyddfa Dywydd i’w gweld ar y map – oes un yn agos atoch chi? 

Os yw hi wedi bwrw eira, cofiwch fesur y cwymp gyda’r mesurydd glaw neu’r dyfnder gyda phren eira a nodi’r canlyniadau fel ‘Sylwadau’ wrth uwchlwytho eich cofnodion wythnosol. Bydd yn ddiddorol cymharu dyfnder yr eira â chwymp yr eira yn y mesurydd glaw! 

Daliwch ati Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn, 

Athro’r Ardd


Eich sylwadau o wythnos tri:


Ysgol Y Traeth: Wedi bwrw glaw llawer ac wedi bod yn wyntog ofnadwy.

Athro’r Ardd: Diolch am rannu eich sylwadau tywydd Cyfeillion.


Ysgol Beulah: Mae'n llawer oerach heddiw na oedd e llawer mwy or wythnos.

Athro’r Ardd: Helo, dywedodd ysgolion eraill mai dydd Gwener oedd eu diwrnod oeraf nhw hefyd. Diolch am rannu eich sylwadau tywydd.


Ellel St John's CE Primary School: We had record amounts of rainfall on Wednesday 22nd November that resulted in major flooding. Our village (Galgate) was on the local and national news.

Athro’r Ardd:  I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such bad flooding Bulb Buddies! I did hear about this on the news, and other schools have commented to say that they were affected too. Thank you for informing me of how extreme the weather has been in your area.


Arkholme CE Primary School: This week it has flooded the garden and also the playground. As you can see, there has been quite a lot of rainfall and it has been quite chilly. Lancaster had the most rainfall recorded in one day ever.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bulb Buddies, I heard about flooding in your area on the news. I hope the school grounds have drained now and that you are able to play outside again. Keep me updated!


Henllys CIW Primary: On Wednesday actual rainfall 22mm.

Athro’r Ardd: Thank you for the detailed weather report Bulb Buddies.


Canonbie Primary School: It has been a busy week as in rehearsal mode for our school show. It has rained more this week. It has been icy and cold.

Athro’r Ardd:  Your comment is very Christmassy! I hope your school show goes well Bulb Buddies.


Auchenlodment Primary School: There was torrential rain on Monday night and we even had snow on Friday. It's beginning to look like Christmas!

Athro’r Ardd: I hope you enjoyed the snow Bulb Buddies.


Carnbroe Primary School: We were off on Monday. We have had lots of different weather this week. It has been very wet, frosty and on Friday it snowed. We checked our plants and although they were a bit wet they were still fine.

Athro’r Ardd: Your bulbs are very hardy and will be fine with some cold weather. Well done for checking on them, and thank you for sharing your observations of the week’s weather!


YGG Tonyrefail: Wet week professor plant!!

Athro’r Ardd: Your rain fall readings testify to that as well Bulb Buddies. Keep up the good work.


Ysgol Bro Pedr: Very wet week.

Athro’r Ardd: You’re not the only ones to report an increase in rain fall Ysgol Bro Pedr, I’m interested to see if this continues into next week!


Inverkip Primary School: Will our plants grow well with this temperature and rainfall? We think our plants will grow well because they are getting used to a new temperature and are not getting too much rainfall.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bulb Buddies, your plants are very sturdy and are nice and snug in the earth. Your temperature and rainfall from this week will be perfect for them, it’s only extreme weather conditions that would prove difficult for them!


St Paul's CE Primary School: Rainy and windy days, with heavy rain 23.11.17 overnight (22.11.17). Frosty on each of the mornings.

Athro’r Ardd:  Thank you for your weather observations Bulb Buddies. I can see that your readings show a much wetter week than in week two.


Peterston super Ely Primary School: The children were amazed by Tuesday's rainfall result!

Athro’r Ardd: That is quite a high reading! I’m glad they are enjoying the project.


Bacup Thorn Primary School: The weather is really cold this week. Friday has been the coldest. We might get snow this weekend.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bacup ThornPrimary, gosh it has been a cold week for you. I hope you are wrapping up warm to take your weather readings!


Ysgol Casmael: First frost today

Athro’r Ardd: Do you think you will have snow before Christmas Bulb Buddies?


Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn: There has not been a lot of rain this week and the temperature has been going down each day and then on the last day it went up one as well.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bulb Buddies, it sounds as though you got of lightly in terms of rainfall compared to a lot of other schools! Thank you for your weather observations.


Darran Park Primary: We have had lots of rain with quite high temperatures except for Friday where the temperature was a lot colder with no rain

Athro’r Ardd:  Thank you for your observations Bulb Buddies. 

Sylwadau Tywydd o'n Hymchwiliad

Penny Dacey, 27 Tachwedd 2017

Helo Gyfeillion y Gwanwyn, rwyf wedi mwynhau darllen eich sylwadau ac astudio eich data. Rwyf hefyd wedi mwynhau'r lluniau a rannwyd ar Twitter yn dangos rhai ohonoch yn cymryd eich darlleniadau tywydd. Mae'n edrych fel eich bod chi wedi wynebu pob math o dywydd i astudio gwyddoniaeth! Wych!

Mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonoch wedi nodi bod y tywydd yn oerach, ac mae rhai wedi nodi rhew! Beth ydych chi'n meddwl fydd y tywydd yn ei wneud rhwng nawr a’r Nadolig yn eich ardal chi? Ydych chi'n meddwl y byddwch chi’n cael Nadolig gwyn? Edrychwch ar wefan y MET Office i weld a yw meteorolegwyr (gwyddonwyr tywydd) yn meddwl yr un peth â chi.


Eich Sylwadau:


Ysgol Y Traeth: Wedi bod yn wythnos oer iawn yn Abermaw!

Athro’r Ardd: Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cadw'n gynnes wrth gymryd eich darlleniadau tywydd Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn.


YGG Tonyrefail: Wythnos braf a sych.

Athro’r Ardd: Dda i glywed Cyfeillion, rydych wedi cael tywydd gwell na rhai ysgolion eraill.


Carnbroe Primary School: Hi, this week our weather has been very cold and some of our class went out to check the plants. They were alright. On Thursday and Friday it was very wet.

Athro’r Ardd: I’m glad to hear that you are keeping an eye on the plants Bulb Buddies, and that they have had a nice watering from the rain!


Canonbie Primary School: Hello, we have felt it slightly warmer this week and our results highlight this through our measurements. We even remembered to do them on Pudsey Bear Day in our Pj's.

Athro’r Ardd: Wow Bulb Buddies, I’m glad you’ve had some nice weather. I hope there is a photo of you taking readings in your pyjamas- it sounds like a funny sight to see! Good work!


Betws Primary School: I look after the plants and they are growing so well.

Athro’r Ardd: It sounds like you are doing a great job! Remember to let me know if there are any signs of the plant sprouting, this is likely to happen January-February.


Pembroke Primary School: Detailed Data weekend 11th and 12th November
11/11 Rain 6.2mm mean temp 10.2 High 12.8 @ 10:00 Low 7.8 @ 00:00
12/11 Rain 0.6mm mean temp 6.7 High 8.6 @ 14:00 Low 4.2 @ 21:30
13/11 Rain 0mm mean temp 5.7 High 8.6 @ 15:30 Low 2.2 @ 04:00
14/11 Rain 1.4mm mean temp 10.4 High 11.7 @ 10:30 Low 6.8 @ 00:30
15/11 Rain 1.4mm mean temp 11.1 High 12.9 @13:30 Low 9.8 @ 06:00
16/11 Rain 0mm mean temp 9.7 High 13.3 @ 12:00 Low 5.2 @ 00:00
17/11 Rain 0mm mean temp 5.6 High 9.8 @ 12:30 Low 2.7 @ 04:30

Athro’r Ardd: Lovely to see your detailed data for the week. Can you work out the average temperature and rainfall for the week? It’s nice to see that the readings you are taking and the detailed data you have are so similar!


Bardney Church of England & Methodist Primary: Another dry week!

Athro’r Ardd: Fantastic news Bulb Buddies, you’ve been luckier than some other schools!


Arkholme CE Primary School: This week has been fairly cold some rain with a little bit of frost on a couple of days.

Athro’r Ardd: Thank you for your overview of the week Bulb Buddies, it’s nice to have a description of the weather on different days whilst studying the data.


Our Lady of Peace Primary School: This was our friends that helped this week.

Athro’r Ardd: Lovely, I’m glad that other classes are getting to take part and see what you are doing as part of the project!


Harmony Primary School: On wed our rain collector had fallen over.

Athro’r Ardd: Thank you for letting me know Bulb Buddies, had it been raining on Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning?


Scoil an Droichid: We are going to change the position of the rain gauge because we didn't get much rain in the rain gauge.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bulb Buddies, is there something obstructing the rain fall?


Auchenlodment Primary School: It's been a lot colder this week!

Athro’r Ardd: A few schools have reported the same! I hope you have your hats and scarves ready for the winter!


Peterston super Ely Primary School: So far we are really enjoying taking our measurements and can't wait for the bulbs to sprout.

Athro’r Ardd: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, I’m really enjoying the project too and I’m looking forward to seeing photos of your plants once they have started growing!


St Paul's CE Primary School: Cold and windy all week. Some frost early morning. Rain on Thursday and Friday.

Athro’r Ardd: Thank you for your weather observations Bulb Buddies!


Inverkip Primary School: The lowest was 5 degrees Celsius. We enjoyed doing it this week.

Athro’r Ardd: I hope you continue to enjoy taking readings Bulb Buddies. It will be interesting to see how the weather changes between November and March.


Portpatrick Primary School: Brr! Feeling chilly.

Athro’r Ardd: Oh dear Bulb Buddies, it has been getting colder as we approach the end of November! Make sure you wrap up warm to take your weather readings!


Darran Park Primary: We haven't had a lot of rain this week. The temperature has remained very similar to last week.

Athro’r Ardd: Good observations Bulb Buddies, thank you for your update.


Ysgol San Sior: Thank you for this great project – A.

Athro’r Ardd: Thank you for taking part and for sharing your work with us A.


Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Hi this week has been a week that has been hot and cold. Been very cold in the mornings. Bye Bye see you next week.

Athro’r Ardd: See you next week Bulb Buddies!

Bylbiau'r Gwanwyn i Ysgolion - Eich Sylwadau

Penny Dacey, 24 Tachwedd 2017

Diolch am rannu'ch sylwadau wrth gofnodi ei'ch data tywydd Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn. Mae'n ddiddorol clywed am eich profiad o'r prosiect. Rwyf wedi ateb y sylwadau o wythnos un yn isod. Cadwch ati hefo'r gwaith da!

Athro'r Ardd


Ysgol Y Traeth: Mae hi wedi bwrw glaw yn Abermaw wythnos yma ond dydi hi ddim yn

ofnadwy o oer.

Athro’r Ardd: Diolch am rannu eich sylwadau, cadwch lan hefo’r gwaith da!


Ferryside V.C.P School: Roedd yn wythnos sych a'r tymheredd yn gyson.

Athro’r Ardd: Dda iawn Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn, diolch am rannu'ch sylwadau.


YGG Tonyrefail: Wedi mwynhau.

Athro’r Ardd: Rwy'n falch o glywed hynny Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn.


St Robert's R.C Primary School: Our first week of records Professor Plant from Dosbarth Seren.

Athro’r Ardd: Diolch Dosbarth Seren, great work!


Stanford in the Vale Primary School: Hi this is Stanford in the vale primary school, we done this amazing project last year. I am R one of the gardening club members. I was the one that recorded and submitted this data last year. I loved doing this project last year, I hope I will this year to. I will be also teaching some of my friends how to do this project this year too. Bye Bye R.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi R, it’s fantastic to hear that you enjoyed the project last year and I hope you enjoy it even more this year! Well done for sharing your knowledge by teaching others. You will be able to see your results from last year on the website, and can compare them to your findings this year! Good luck.


Belvoir Park Primary School: Thermometer has broken so no record for temperature.

Athro’r Ardd: Thanks for letting me know Bulb Buddies. A new thermometer is in the post and should be with you early next week.


St Andrew's RC Primary School: It has been a cold week with low rainfall.
We had so much fun doing this job.

Athro’r Ardd: I’m glad to hear you are enjoying the project Bulb Buddies. Keep up the Good work!


Tonyrefail Primary School: We had to move our rain gauge on Wednesday as we realised it was very close to a shelter. There was no school on Monday.

Athro’r Ardd: Well done for noticing that the rain gauge reading was being affected and for finding a more suitable place Bulb Buddies. Good work!


Carnbroe Primary School: Hello Professor Bulb our names are B and F. We are the rainfall and temperature measurers this week. The weather this week has been dry, sometimes sunny and we have only had rain on one day!

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bulb Buddies, thank you for sharing your weather observations with me! I hope that you are enjoying the project.


Canonbie Primary School: We really liked this week because everyone had a good time measuring rainfall and temperature. We liked using the correct scales to measure temperature in Degrees Celsius. We made sure that our results were accurate whilst having fun as well! It has been quite cold this week but the afternoons have been brighter-lovely fresh weather. See you next week.

Athro’r Ardd: Hi Bulb Buddies, I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the project! It sounds as though you are being very thorough in your investigation. Fantastic work!


St Kieran's Primary School: I have really enjoyed the planting of the bulbs and reading the thermometer and rainfall gauge.

Athro’r Ardd: It’s lovely to hear that you are enjoying the project! You might also enjoy comparing your results with those from other schools across the country by using the weather record graphs on the website.  


Whitestone Primary School: Children are excited about taking part in this project again this year.

Athro’r Ardd: Fantastic to hear, I hope they enjoy the project and that they engage with the resources on the website to further develop their knowledge and skills from last year.


Steelstown Primary School: We have been enjoying taking part in the project so far.
Everything is going successful at the moment. We are happy that we joined the project.

Athro’r Ardd: I’m glad to hear everything is going well Bulb Buddies. Keep up the good work!


Carnforth North Road Primary School: It was very muddy but we really enjoyed it.

Athro’r Ardd: I’m not sure if planting your bulbs was muddy, or if it was muddy when you collected your weather readings? I’m sure mud will have added to the fun in both cases!


Waddingham Primary School: This week the whole class read the temperature and rainfall measurements so we knew we were accurate.

Athro’r Ardd: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, it’s a good idea to take readings together to begin with to make sure everyone is getting the same answers. Good work.


Llanishen Fach Primary School: We've enjoyed being weather monitors this week.

Athro’r Ardd: You’ve done a fantastic job as weather monitors Bulb Buddies. I’m glad to hear you are enjoying the project.


Ysgol Bro Pedr: Our data is collected at the same time every day. We had two frosty early mornings, but it opened up beautifully by the time we recorded the temperatures. Tuesday was a washout!

Athro’r Ardd: Good work Bulb Buddies, consistency is important to scientific investigations. Keep up the good work!


Inverkip Primary School: Our temperature has been the same all week. We hope this will make our bulbs grow faster.

Athro’r Ardd: That’s very interesting Bulb Buddies. Are you able to check the thermometer in the morning, just to be sure that it is working properly? It’s likely to be colder in the morning than it will be in the afternoon. Why do you think that is?


Pembroke Primary School: We have a Vantage Pro2 weather station and we can provide more accurate data.
This will include daily low, high and mean temperatures and daily rain to nearest 0.2mm. I was unable to paste an image of records so typed below.
Monday 6th Mean temp 8.3 High temp 11.7 @13:30 Low temp 3.9 @ 06:00 rain 0.2mm
Tuesday7th Mean temp 9.3 High temp 12.1 @11:00 Low temp 4.1 @ 00:00 rain 3.6mm
Wednesd8th Mean temp 6.2 High temp 10.4 @14:00 Low temp 2.8 @ 07:00 rain 0.2mm
Thurs 9th Mean temp 10.4High temp 15.4 @12:00 Low temp 6.6 @ 00:30 rain 0.0mm
Friday10th Mean temp 10.9High temp 12.4 @13:00 Low temp 7.8 @ 00:30 rain 0.0mm

Athro’r Ardd: This is very exciting Bulb Buddies, thank you for sharing. There’s lots you can do with this data, including finding the average temperature and rainfall for the whole of November! Once you have this, you can compare your data to the average for the UK!


Betws Primary School: I think that the spring bulbs are growing up faster than last year.

Athro’r Ardd: You’ll have to watch your pots carefully, and let me know when you see the first signs of growth!


Auchenlodment Primary School: We are working hard to learn how to read scales and record the important data.

Athro’r Ardd: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, you are doing a great job!


Ysgol San Sior: Great first week.

Athro’r Ardd: I’m glad to hear it Bulb Buddies!


Arkholme CE Primary School: We are the first to record the weather and temperature and are bulbs are safely planted!!

Athro’r Ardd: Fantastic Bulb Buddies, thank you for your hard work!


Gystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth 2017

Penny Dacey, 10 Tachwedd 2017

Helo Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Diolch am yr holl waith yr ydych wedi gwneud ac am rannu eich lluniau! Roedd o'n hynod o galed i ddewis dim ond pum enillydd. Mae'r lluniau a ddewiswyd yn dod o ysgolion yng Nghymru sef ddim cymryd rhan yn y prosiectau estyniad Edina. Os ydych yn cymryd rhan yn y prosiectau estyniad Edina fydd eich llun hefo cyfle o ennill cystadleuaeth nhw, a bydd yr Edina yn cyhoeddi enillwyr yn fuan.

Dyma'r enillwyr:

Ysgol Carreg Emlyn

Severn Primary School

Shirenewton Primary

St Julians Primary

Ysgol Bro Hyddgen

Diolch yn fawr i bob ysgol a rannodd eu lluniau. Oedd o’n wych i weld y holl waith rydych wedi gwneud a'r hwyl gawsoch!

Cadwch lan gyda'r gwaith caled Cyfeillion y Gwanwyn,

Athro'r Ardd