Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Crocheted rainbow, with small crocheted heart attached.
"A friend made a crochet rainbow for our window (raising money to provide a tablet in a care home so that residents can speak to family and friends)." (Rhian from Chepstow).
Rainbows became a symbol of hope and support for NHS workers during the coronavirus crisis, with homes, businesses and public buildings across Wales displaying rainbows on doors and windows in solidarity.
Crochet worked in seven colours: red on the outside followed by concentric semi-circles in neon-orange, yellow, light green, mid-blue, dark purple and light purple. The crocheted heart and connecting band are worked in red yarn. The centre of the rainbow (light purple) is worked around a small ring of white plastic (Ø 2cm)