Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Teapot, creamware, standing on a tapered foot rim; truncated ovoid body, concave at the shoulder, then rising to an upright lip rim; simple ogee spout; simple high loop handle; the cover, silver, stepped and steeply domed with an ovoid finial; the teapot decorated in underglaze blue, on the one side, with the inscription' Clement, Morris Merther 1788' with simple line scrolls to either side of the text and floral sprigs and a single flower head to either side below; around the lower body, two concentric bands with a single scalloped line below; to the shoulder a band of vitruvian scrolls between thin blue bands; to the other side, a chinoiserie-style scene of a two tiered pagoda-style building, a fence with two posts surmounted by globes, chinoiserie-style foliage and shubbery to either side, with mountains and a smaller building in the background; the spout with graduated dots rising to the top and to the base of the spout, a single stylized flower head; the handle with a running pattern of husks and dots; the cover, of plain silver form.