Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Teapot and cover
Teapot, white earthenware, standing on three short feet, waisted lower body, bulbous shoulder sloping inwards to a short cylindrical neck, the sides of the body fluted and notched to resembles the canes of bamboo, short straight spout moulded to resemble a cane of bamboo, high horizontal loop handle with one terminal above the spout and the other to the other side of the body, also moulded to resemble bamboo canes, round domed cover with fluted and notched sides to resemble bamboo canes, to the top of the cover a nipple-shaped finial with a small pieced steam hole to one side; the exterior of the teapot, the spout, the handle and the top of the cover covered with a yellowish majolica glaze, this then overpainted with brown markings to resemble bamboo, and with to the exterior sides of the teapot exotic butterflies and sprays of flowers, a spray of leaves to the top of the handle, to the top of the cover sprigs of flowers and leaves, the finial painted green.