Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Man's silk satin embroidered waistcoat with two decorative front panels and centre-front fastening, about 1770.
There is evidence to suggest it has been altered several times. The lining is mostly cotton, pieced in several sections and the front panels are faced on the inside with the same silk as used on the front. The front panels have wide pockets with flaps which are also embroidered. The panels have an inverted v-shape cut into the front, but they taper to a point at the sides and hang free from the main part of the lining. The original fastening would have been a series of twelve buttons but these are now missing and only the button holes and remains of thread remain. Brass hook and eye fastenings are now used to secure the waistcoat from the inside.
The embroidery is quite elaborate, consisting of a floral design down the centre-front and along the bottom edge with small pieces of velvet appliqué and coloured metal coils couched to form branches, leaves and outlines. There is a border of tiny flowers made from silk covered papers which are sewn down with embroidery threads. Embroidery stitches are as follows: stem stitch, satin stitch, straight stitch, three pronged straight stitch and French knots.