Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Coracle model
model of Tywi coracle, made by Clive Evans, Carmarthenshire
Frame of split stem, with a gunwale of woven whole stem. Covered with fabric which has been painted with a black glossy coating, either paint or dilute bitumen/pitch. Wooden seat and board below it. Plastic zip tie 'carrying strap' loops between two holes in the seat. On one side of the seat a model fish club ('priest') has been attached by a short length of electricians (black plastic adhesive) tape. The oar is attached to the gunwale fore and aft by blue and white phone wire (platic coated copper wire). Wooden parts have been given a clear/orange tinted coating. A length of white sythetic string has been tied to the woven gunwale on either side of the seat and runs across the bottom of the coracle. [RP; 01/05/2009]