Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Walking in Rome sketchbook
Webster’s painting practice is concerned with the relationship between perceived and embodied space. Webster has spent the summer months at the British School at Rome, over a number of consecutive years, which has led to a substantial body of work, primarily the Walking in Rome series.
Her work explores the interplay between movement, light and colour and our spatial perception. The artist describes the work as: “Fleeting moments, the intangible yet overpoweringly visceral connection with a place, seen and experienced while travelling through it; a glimpse, something felt but not fully perceived; things which exist beyond the realm of photographic rendering or capture, fall onto the surface of the paintings.”
(Nid oes modd darparu delwedd o'r gwaith celf hwn ar hyn o bryd. Mae hyn naill ai oherwydd cyfyngiadau hawlfraint, neu oherwydd bod y ddelwedd yn aros i gael ei digideiddio. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra a achosir gan hyn.)
Rhif yr Eitem
NMW A 24981
Dyddiad: 2018
Purchase, 1/2021
Purchased, 2021
mixed media on paper
drawings and watercolours
Fine Art - works on paper
mixed media
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