Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Informative letter from Mrs E.M. Davies (Llanon) concerning the use of earthenware jars (cynog) in Cardiganshire - "... they were hardly ever used for water - mostly for wine-storing. Her [friend's] mother who lived, and brought up a big family at Bethania, near here, used hers for storing ginger beer, which she used to give the children for supper, when the cow was dry in winter - and no milk was available for bread and milk. She made the ginger-beer in a "ffwrn-naw-galwyn" 9 gall. pan - the big round iron pans which they used to hang over the fire ..." [1959]
Bywyd Gwerin
Rhif yr Eitem
MS 928
Collected Officially
In store
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