Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Mug, pearlware, pronounced throwing ring, straight sides slightly tapering inwards, simple strap handle with the upper end pinned to the body. Transfer-printed in greenish black with the 'Puzzle of Portraits' print; on the left silhouette portraits of George III and Queen Charlotte forming a vase topped by a crown, and with a rose and thistle underneath. To the right two entertwined serpents forming silhouette portraits of Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette with a fleur de lis above, a half of a crown on either side, and a broken sword and sceptre below. Inscribed 'A New Puzzle of Portraits' around the top, and 'Striking Likenefses of the King and Queen of England / and the late King and Queen of France' around the bottom, the 'nce' of France chipped.