Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Early Medieval iron ferrule
Hollow cone-shaped point or ferrule, the socket still containing remains of a wooden shaft. It is not certain whether the crack which runs tfrom the open end almost to the tip is due to corrosion, or whether it marks the lapping over of a sheet of metal to form the socket: the latter explanation is very probable. Sharply pointed ferrules appear to be unknown in pagan Saxon graves; but there is one from period 1 b at Lagore (fig 32 1330), one from Carraig Aille II (fig 10, 524), and a third from Cahercommaun (fig 29, 716).
Rhif yr Eitem
Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad
Enw'r Safle: Dinas Powis, Vale of Glamorgan
Nodiadau: Section 6; Cut XXIII; Layer (3). Context C/D C: Black, usually greasy soil, with small angular rubble; much bone, charcoal flecking; rich in finds. D: Large, often slabby stones, with smaller stones interspersed; dark humus-soil; relatively few bones or finds.