Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Bench No.5. Made of railway wagon sides. Top and back legs detached. 29.5" x 6.3" x 32" [accession record entry] It has been assumed that the dimensions should have read 29.5" x 6'3" x 32" and the handwriten notes from which the typed description was coppied back this up [RP; 11/12/2008] The beam that formed the front of the top of the bench can be seen in some of the photographs taken of Mr. G.H.Scammel in his workshop (F11.740 and F11.764). The beam has several large square holes in it probably to accommodate machine tools. In one corner two pieces of wood have been screwed either side of a square notch in the end of the beam and a piece of wood and a strip of tin plate have been nailed at right angles across these to create a square hole. There is a strip of wood nailed across the end of the beam covering the open side of the notch. This beam is now fixed to a frame work that has four legs and supports an irregularly shaped block of wood on one end. The block effectively extends the work surface by 560mm. This frame has been added since the object entered the musuem and may have been done to provide a work surface for tin smithing demonstations by Mr. G.H. Scammel at the Museum. See also F69.199.3 which may have been used in these demonstrations as well. The 'plug' fits in a hole in the beam and is made from a short section of wood with a rectangle of tin plate nailed to one end. The section of work top is made from three planks held together by bwo battens nailed across them. One plank is shorter thatn the other two. [RP; 11/12/2008]