Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
S.S. TORRINGTON, full hull ship model
Eiddo W. J. Tatem & Co. o Gaerdydd oedd y llong fasnach Brydeinig yr S.S. TORRINGTON, a adeiladwyd yn Sunderland ym 1905. Cafodd ei tharo gan dorpido llong danfod U55 ar 8 Ebrill 1917. Rhuthrodd y criw i'w cychod, ond daeth llong yr Almaenwyr i'r wyneb gan gymryd y capten yn garcharor a gorchymyn pawb arall i sefyll yn un rhes ar ddec y llong danfor. Boddwyd 34 o'r criw wrth i'r llong blymio o dan y don.
S.S. TORRINGTON (D.W. tonnage 9,350). Built in 1905 by Wm. Doxford & Sons Ltd, Sunderland. A British merchant ship owned by W.J. Tatem & Co. of Cardiff. A Turret-deck ship. When launched this was one of the largest cargo-carriers afloat. It has a very elaborate system of derricks for quick cargo working. The twin masts with outriggers allow the derricks to swing out to an unusual degree. The davits are hinged at the base to swing boats clear of turret deck. On the 8 April 1917 she was torpedoed by U55. The crew of the Torrington took to their boats, but the submarine surfaced, took the captain prisoner and lined the rest of the crew up on deck. The vessel then dived, drowning the crew members with a loss of 34 lives.