Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
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Shane Andrews MBE donating blood on the first day of the new rules, on World Blood Day, Monday 14 June 2021. Until this date men who have sex with men had to wait three months before they were able to give blood. After many years of campaigning by groups such as Blood Equality Wales it was announced in December 2020 by the Welsh Government that the ban and some restrictions would be lifted - a big step towards full equality in this area. The new rules now mean that gay and bisexual men in sexually active, monogamous relationships can donate blood.
"Today is my first donation but it definitely won’t be my last. I learnt that each donation helps 3 adults or 6 premature babies and as such I intend to donate regularly. I feel honoured to have commenced my lifesaving journey on World Blood Donor Day but also during Pride month" (Shane Andrews).