Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Mesolithic chert awl
Awl with retouch along the right hand side. The tool has a plain striking platform and a pronounced bulb of percussion.
Archeoleg a Nwmismateg
Rhif yr Eitem
Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad
Enw'r Safle: Rhuddlan, Denbighshire
Cyfeirnod Grid: SJ 025 779
Dull Casglu: excavation
Dyddiad: 1970
Nodiadau: From Rhuddlan Site E NGR refers to Rhuddlan Castle. Collector worked freelance on behalf of the Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust.
Donation, 30/5/1996
NMGW Cardiff must undertake to make material from the collection available to Clwyd County Council and/or its successor unitary authority(ies) for display purposes, subject to security and environmental requirements being met.
length / mm:53.8
width / mm:18.0
thickness / mm:9.1
weight / g:7.3
carboniferous chert
In store
record verified by E.A. WalkerNid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.