Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Bedgown made from red and black striped tabby-woven wool fabric (1.2cm wide stripes). Six steel hook and stitched loop fastening down centre front of bodice. Both sides of bodice-front coming to a point at lower edge. 5.5cm wide turn-ups at cuffs (separate piece of fabric with stripes running in opposite direction). Lower hem, centre front opening of skirt, lower edge of bodice and cuff turn-ups are sandwiched in black woollen herringbone twill tape. Inner waist, inner centre front opening of bodice and inner neck finished with black cotton tabby tape. Selvages at centre back of skirt (skirt made from two pieces of fabric). Four pleats in skirt (centre back). Two domed black fabric-covered buttons at top of centre back waist (above pleats). Machine stitched. Darn on proper right under arm.