Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Black and white photograph of teachers and pupils at a quilting class held in Aberdare Technical College, about 1928-9. The class was organised by the Rural Industries Bureau (RIB). Pictured (left to right): Bella Lace (sitting); Irene Davies (standing); Lala Leach (sitting); Elizabeth Ann Leach (sitting centre); two unidentified women sitting and standing; Amy Thomas. The wholecloth quilt displayed on the frame was made and designed by Irene Morgan (nee Davies).
Irene Morgan, born in 1905, learned to quilt at Aberdare Technical College in 1928. The class was organized by the Rural Industries Bureau as part of a scheme to bring employment and to revive craft skills in the coalmining areas of south Wales. Quilting classes were set up in Aberdare, Porth, Merthyr Tydfil, Abertridwr, Splott in Cardiff, and Blaina.