Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Figure of a male musician, soft-paste porcelain, standing on an elaborate rococo base moulded with shells and c-scrolls and with perforated areas, the figure with long flowing hair and clad in Eighteenth century costume with long cap, flowing cloak, waistcoat, knee breeches, stockings and shoes, with one hand the figure holds a reed instrument to his mouth while with the other he beats a tambourine which is suspended from the other arm, the figure supported by a tree stump with applied moulded flowers and with a large purse hanging from it; the figure painted in polychrome enamels with realistically painted face and hair, black cap, pink, blue and gilt cloak, a floral pattern in purple and gilt ot the waistcoat, a purple spotted pattern to the breeches, and black shoes with pink flowers, the tree stump painted in greens and browns with purple, blue, orange and yellow flowers, the base picked out in gilt and turquoise.