Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Officer's collar
Officer's collar of the Good Templars.
Plain red wool (1/2 twill) edged with 4mm wide gold-coloured metal thread braid (stitched on with yellow thread, S-twist); thick hessian interlining and lining of pale red glazed cotton twill (4/1);
Collar is narrow around back of neck, then the two sides widen out to rounded ends; both red wool and cotton lining are joined by a centre back seam.
Brass letters SEC attached to left side: two metal tabs extend through red wool and hessian interlining and then fold towards each other (like a paperclip); they do not extend through the cotton lining.
Sheet brass badge with raised inscription (now detached) would have been stitched through 4 holes to lower centre front, joining the left and right sides of the collar: 'Independent Order of Good Templars International Supreme Lodge / Faith and Charity / Our Field' stamped to badge (see Inscriptions above). No stitches remain in the fabric.