Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
We won't go. That's what young pickets Mary Opert, 11, and John Grossman, 12, said yesterday as they demonstrated across the street from their assigned school, Hampstead Hill Junior High
Wirephoto published in the Tribune newspaper in 1974. Purchased by David Hurn from MMG Photo Archives.
Full title: We won't go. That's what young pickets Mary Opert, 11, and John Grossman, 12, said yesterday as they demonstrated across the street from their assigned school, Hampstead Hill Junior High, in the 100 block south Ellwood avenue. They said Hampstead Hill is 3 miles from their homes, while the school they would have attended last year, Herring Run Junior High only 8 blocks away. They joined others who stayed out.
The photograph is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the librarian of the Baltimore Sun Archives Paul M McCardell.
(Nid oes modd darparu delwedd o'r gwaith celf hwn ar hyn o bryd. Mae hyn naill ai oherwydd cyfyngiadau hawlfraint, neu oherwydd bod y ddelwedd yn aros i gael ei digideiddio. Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra a achosir gan hyn.)
Rhif yr Eitem
NMW A 57414
GARRETT Clarence
Tribune Newspaper
Dyddiad: 1974 –
Gift, 25/4/2017
Donated by David Hurn, 2017
h(cm) image size:19.4
w(cm) image size:24.2
h(cm) paper size:20.6
w(cm) paper size:25.5
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Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.