Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Recordiad sain / Audio recording: Hane Backer
Oral history recording with Hanna Backer. One of a collection of interviews conducted by Cai Parry-Jones for his doctoral thesis entitled 'The History of the Jewish Diaspora in Wales'. Funded by the AHRC.
A Czech-Jewish refugee during the Second World. Talks mainly about the Czech-school that was established in Llanwrtyd Wells during World War Two, the relationship between students and locals, her life after the war, settling in Cardiff, working as a psychiatrist at Whitchurch Hospital, and the Cardiff Jewish community.
Bywyd Gwerin
Rhif yr Eitem
AV 11811
Backer, Hanna
Dyddiad: 18/09/2012 –
digidol | born digital
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