Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Stonewall ‘Take Pride’ bandana. Worn by Nazmia Jamal at the first family Pride event in Aberdare, held in Aberdare Park on Wednesday 10 August 2022. The event was youth led, and organised by YEPS RCT. YEPS are The Youth Engagement and Participation Service that provides the statutory Youth Service for Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council.
Nazmia Jamal attended Aberdare Pride as a Stonewall Cymru employee. Nazmia was brought up in Aberdare and lived there until she was 18 years old. This Pride event was the first time she had been back to Aberdare Park since the late 1990s. Nazmia stated "I never imagined there ever being a pride event in Aberdare Park. I'm so happy that queer young people in the Valleys today will feel seen and hopefully celebrated by their local communities."
Triangular bandana; 'TAKE PRIDE' and 'WE ARE STONEWALL' slogans printed against a pink background onto a tabby-woven, white synthetic fabric. TAKE PRIDE is printed in Maroon with a grey arm separating the two words. The hand points to a heart in the Pride rainbow colours. WE ARE STONEWALL printed in pink and blue, in the way that it could also be read as 'WE ARE ONE' (with only the ST... and the ...WALL printed in blue). Edges of fabric are finished with overlocker stitches.