Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
CANVAS, embroidered with coloured wools in cross stitch. Divided horizontally into three compartments by a floral stem and straight stripe. In the first compartment, in four rows, are Gothic and Roman letters of the alphabet, numerals to 10, the date 1856, and the inscriptions: "Casterle” “VPR HAGEN." The second compartment contains Italic letters of the alphabet in two rows. The third compartment contains Adam and Eve, the Tree of Knowledge and Serpent; an altar with two candlesticks between which is a human head bearing a monstrance; two crowned figures with sceptres, flanked by flowering plants in pots, and the name “Maria". There is a varied border of straight and zig-zag stripes.
Source: Guide to the Collection of Samplers & Embroideries (Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, 1939) by F.G. Payne.