Casgliadau Arlein
Amgueddfa Cymru
Chwilio Uwch
Staffordshire figurine of Rev. Christmas Evans, holding a red and gold book in his right hand and leaning on two similar books on top of a pedestal with his left arm. He is wearing a dark blue suit with on-glaze gold lining. The pedestal also has gold lining. The name on the base is highlighted with on-glaze gold. His skin is flesh tones and his shoes are black, whilst his hair is brown.
A Baptist minister who was the most well-known and charismatic preachers of the early 1800s. He came from a poor background and lost an eye in a fight, but was held in high esteem as an 'ideal preacher'.
This figurine was produced in one of the Staffordshire ceramic factories and shows the iconic status that these preachers held by Welsh nonconformists.