Ieithoedd Cymraeg ac Indo-Ewopeaidd

Beth yw'r cysylltiad rhwng rhai o brif ieithoedd hanesyddol y byd a sut mae'r Gymraeg a Bengali yn perthyn i'w gilydd? Mae'r athro David Crystal yn egluro...

Mae Bengaleg a’r Gymraeg yn aelodau o’r un teulu o ieithoedd – y teulu Indo-Ewropeaidd. Mae hwn yn deulu anferth, o orrllewin Ewrio gyda ieithoedd fel Sbaeneg a Phortiwgaleg, ar draws Asia I gyd gyda Rwseg, ac I lawr I isgyfandir India gyda ieithoedd fel Bengaleg.

A sut ydym ni’n gwybod bod perthynas rhyngddyn nhw? Am fod ieithegwyr wedi olrhain yr holl beth. Rhywun sy’n astudio hanes iaith yw ieithegydd.Yn yr 18fed ganrif, un o’r ieithegwyr enwocaf a chyntaf oll oedd mab I Gymro, William Jones. Daeth yn farwr yn Bengal, a sefydlu cymdeithas yno. Roedd e’n ieithydd anhygoel. Roedd e’n siarad dros 40 o ieithoedd.

Fe geisiodd e weld beth oedd y berthynas rhwng ieithoedd mawr hanes, fel Sansgrit, a Lladin a Groeg. Credai pawb mai Sansgrit oedd yr iaith hynaf, a bod y lleill yn dod o Sansgrit. Ond fe welodd e mai nid fel hynny oedd hi. Dangosodd fod Sansgrit a Lladin a Groeg yn chwiorydd I’w gilydd, a’u bod wedi tarddu o ryw iaith gynharach sydd falle ddim yn bodoli heddiw. Ac enw’r iaith honno yw Indo-Ewropeg.

sylw (2)

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.
17 Awst 2021, 21:59
Well we know that Indo-European languages encompass most of today's European languages, wether they be from around the Mediterranean or from the frozen north. There is, however, a connection between Welsh & Greek in many aspects. For instance crossword puzzlers in Wales, when asked about the number13 know that the Greek tridekka is the same as our trideg. There are other similarities as well. According to Homer, after the fall of Troy, the Trojans were kept in Greece as slaves, they eventually revolted and escaped to Italy. They couldn't stay there as it would degrade relations with the Greeks who, at the time were the rulers of the area, before Rome rose to power. So they left in search of somewhere quiet, peaceful, they passed through the pillars of Hercules, (Gibraltar ) and eventually arrived on the island which came to be known as Britain. (From their leader Brutus.) the rest, as they is history, the Romans arrive & eventually went home, the Vikings also, the Saxons too, & finally the Normans. The Britons were squeezed into the west of the island, some even going to Brittany, but the ones left, now called the Welsh, stayed & fought. They are still here today.
Suraj k ratti
20 Ebrill 2020, 13:25
Indo sanskrit is wonderful language around from Portugal to Russia so in way I am indo indian text the email to me thank you