Creuwch eich rhan yn Arddangosfa Gobaith yr Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru
Diolch am eich cyfraniadau sgwâr. Mae cyfraniadau ar gyfer Arddangosfa Gobaith bellach wedi cau.
Roedd yr Arddangosfa Gobaith yn cynnwys y greadigaeth o sgwariau 8” neu 20cm mewn lliwiau’r enfys. Bydd y rhain nawr yn cael ei gwnïo at ei gilydd gan wirfoddolwyr yr Amgueddfa a’i harddangos yn Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru nes ymlaen eleni ac yn dilyn hyn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau yn Abertawe.
Cadwch lygad ar y dudalen hon a thudalennau Twitter a Facebook @amgueddfawlan am fwy o wybodaeth am yr Arddangosfa Gobaith.
Caiff enfys ei defnyddio’n aml fel symbol o obaith a heddwch, ac fel y gwyddom, mae fel arfer yn ymddangos ar ôl glaw trwm. Mae’r enfys yn ein hatgoffa y daw eto haul ar fryn
sylw - (12)
Hi Jacky,
Thank you for getting in touch with us. I'm afraid a date still hasn't been confirmed yet. Please keep an eye on this webpage as now we have a date for re-opening we are in a position to make arrangements to receive the knitted squares. All information will be posted on our website and social media channels.
Kind regards,
(Digital team)
Hi Jacky,
Thank you for getting in touch with us. Dates for sending the squares to us hasn't been confirmed yet, but when it has, we will be posting the information on the website. We have no limit on the number of squares and welcome as many possible! In terms of type of stitch, my colleague has confirmed that we accept any kind. Please get in touch if you have any additional questions.
Many thanks,
(Digital team)
I have a large drawing of an oversizes ball of wool of which I have a digital image.
I made the drawing for an exhibition at the Brecknock Museum celebrating Welsh Wool and sheep farming at the time of the Foot and Mouth crisis in 2001.
Seeing your information for the Exhibition of Hope, I wondered if you would like me to send you an image of the drawing to use on your website,
Just an idea !
Susan Milne
Regards sue
looking forward to knitting my square.
Have been knitting for prem babies while in lockdown.
Dear Vera Arrowsmith,
Thank you very much for your comment. Any squares are much appreciated, including ones that have been crocheted.
Kind regards,
(Digital team)