Egin ac eira!
17 Ionawr 2013
,Hiâ Cyfeillion Bylbiau!
Rwy'n amau y bydd llawer o'n potiau o dan eira ar gyfer y dyddiau nesaf! Bydd hyn yn golygu y bydd llawer o ysgolion ar gau. Os ydych yn cael eira rhowch nodyn yn yr adran sylwadau pan fyddwch yn anfon eich cofnodion tywydd.
Dilynwch y ddolen hon i weld yr holl gofnodion tywydd sydd wedi cael eu hanfon i'r graddau. Dewiswch ysgol, yna 'tywydd'.
Dyma rai lluniau o fy egin. Byddwch yn gweld bod y rhai wnes i blannu yn hydref 2011 wedi tyfu llawer mwy na'r rhai wnes i blannu hydref 2012.
Os oes gennych egin yn barod, cymerwch olwg ar fy lluniau i helpu gweithio allan beth yw beth.
Dyma fideo sy'n dangos sut y bydd eich egin yn tyfu.
Eich cwestiynau:
St Mary's Catholic Primary School: We have no records for Monday because it was an inset day. Some of our daffodil bulbs have come through the soil. We have taken photographs and will send them by e-mail. Prof.P: I look forward to seeing them St.Mary’s.
Ladybank Primary School: Thank you for our new thermometer! Prof.P: No worries, thanks for letting me know it arrived safely.
Glyncollen Primary School: Our bulbs have started to grow over the holidays. We hope the frost doesn't get to them. Yr.4. Prof.P: Don’t worry year 4, they are quite tough.
SS Philip and James Primary School:
Happy New Year! A few daffodil shoots are peeping out of the ground and in one or two pots. Quite a few shoots are emerging in the 'Mystery Bulbs' pot and they are a red/green colour compared to the daffodils shoots which are green. Prof.P: How exciting, not seen my mystery bulb shoots yet.
Greyfriars RC Primary School:
Some are sprouting already! All is good. I am really enjoying this project! Prof.P: glad to hear the bulbs are starting to grow and that you are enjoying.
St Joseph's Primary School (Penarth)
Happy New Year Prof.Plant. We have started to notice a few green shoots in some of our pots and are very excited about the plants beginning to grow. We have talked about the weather forecast for next week and think that we may be sending you photos of snow covered pots! (St. Joseph's Primary School, Penarth.) Prof.P: Yes you were right. Some snow in Cardiff but not enough!
Rhydypenau Primary School:
when we got back to school after the Christmas holidays, our rainfall gauge was full, so we must have had a lot of rain in a fortnight. Prof.P: Yes, we had lots of rain over the holidays – a bit too much! Many people had flooding which must have been awful at Christmas.
Henllys CIW Primary:
Some shoots but no flowers. Prof.P: The flowers will come soon.
Auchtertool Primary School:
When we came back from our Christmas break some of our bulbs were showing growth - not only the ones in pots but also some of those we had planted in the ground! Prof.P: Excellent news!
Ysgol Porth Y Felin:
hello p.p the plants are growing quite quickly but we didn't write down Monday because of teacher training. Prof.P: Thanks for letting me know.
Ysgol Nant Y Coed:
This week the bulbs have started to grow, mostly the mystery bulb. The weather was warm at the beginning and at the end it was cold. Prof.P: Great update, Nant Y Coed.
Tynewater Primary School:
We had 50mm of rainfall on Tuesday because we had been on holiday for two weeks and nobody had emptied the rain gauge. Prof.P: Yes, mine was the same. Thanks for noting the reason.