: Iechyd, Lles ag Amgueddfa Cymru

Winter of Wellbeing: Tip Tops project

Mali Dafydd, 29 Mawrth 2022

Tip Tops was a project devised to up-skill young learners who are operating outside the current conventional school system, in the art of making clothes by hand, reusing waste and locally produced fabrics. They worked on a weekly process from mid January until 23 March 2022, cutting patterns and re-creating anew in Stiwdio 3, Cardigan. Here's the experience of Mali, who took part in the workshops: 

I was quite nervous when I walked into the room, for I didn’t know many of the people there. But then we all introduced ourselves and I felt a lot better as most of the people were my age. I was rather worried they would be a lot older than me.

When I first saw the pattern it looked very complicated, I had never followed a proper pattern before and I was a bit intimidated.

We were shown how it all fitted together and it was a lot simpler than it had looked originally - I was very glad! All the different panels that made up the pattern actually allowed you to experiment a lot. Some of the other people found a fabric that looked like it was made out of lots of squares. When the pieces all got sown together it looked really cool!

The TipTops are very fun to sew. Though I am not very good at matching the squares up, but hopefully I get better! My favourite part of the TipTop is the halter neck as it makes it feels very elegant.

When we finished the mock-up I really liked it, and I felt happy, though slightly tired.

My favourite fabric so far is probably the denim. It’s a very retro look when you combine the different denims together - it’s also very nice to sew. It would be very cool if we could try pattern matching.

The trip to the woollen museum was fun. Though the machines looked terrifying! One of the people that worked there even showed us how one of the looms worked. It looked very time consuming and the bobbins ran out really quickly. In Victorian times they would have children crawl under the machines to get rid of the loose wool. I would definitely not like to work there!

I really enjoyed this course and it was mega fun! I would love to do it again!

Take a look at the video which share some of the project highlights:

Winter of Wellbeing: That time I lay in the woods for an hour: Nature connection, wellbeing and young people

David Urry, 10 Mawrth 2022

I plunge my face into the leaf litter on the forest floor and take in the earthy aroma: a sweet mix of damp decay and mossy greens. Have I gone mad? Quite possibly, but no more than most; stuck in a modern world that doesn’t quite make sense, worried too much about too many things, and rarely remembering to stop, look up and breathe. Down here, hidden in this hollow, under a canopy of gently swaying oaks, cheek pressed into the dark rich soil, I actually feel more normal than I have in a while.  

Truth is, I woke up fairly miserable this morning.  Sadly, it’s not uncommon, and frustratingly, it’s often not clear why, or what has caused it. As a result, I tend to focus on what I can control and change. Sometimes, that means a change of scene.  

Nature Connectedness and the Wheel of Wellbeing 

Recently, since working on the Winter of Wellbeing Programme (WoW), it has got me thinking more about what makes me well. At the same time, separately, I have been reading a lot into the power of Nature Connectedness. So, with both of these in mind, I wrapped myself up and headed to the nearest clearing of trees. I am fortunate to have this on my doorstep.  

‘Nature Connectedness’ is the sort of thing that is easy to dismiss as a bit ‘flowery’, but there is an increasing body of evidence showing the restorative power of Nature, the value of access to nature, and crucially, the importance of feeling a connection with nature. In fact, there is a whole research group at the University of Derby working on just this.

As part of the WoW project, we have been using the ‘Wheel of Wellbeing’ as a way of understanding and measuring the elements that make us feel well: Body (be active), Mind (keep learning), Spirit (give), People (connect), Place (take notice), Planet (care). It became clear to me that each of these elements can be nourished through time in nature, something I am keen to explore through the WoW project, as well as through my own forays into the forest!  

The benefits of a connection to Nature  

Nature is a profound teacher and healer, and a sanctuary for those fortunate enough to access and connect with it. When you spend time in Nature, it almost instantly creates a physical change in you - reducing levels of stress, lowering blood pressure, helping you focus and concentrate - as well as a number of other tangible and well documented positive effects, especially around mental health

These benefits are amplified the more we feel a connection to Nature.  Sadly, for many, Nature remains hidden or unnoticed, and their feelings of connection hang by a thread. This is particularly true amongst young people, especially teenagers, where there is a natural dip in connection with nature, just when they might benefit most from the improved physical and mental health associated with Nature connection; to free themselves from social anxieties and find some identity, security and meaning in the otherwise manic world around them.  

Five pathways to connection  

A crucial step, of course, is finding a ‘way-in’ for young people, both physically and emotionally. Many don’t have easy access to nature in the first place, or have little interest, even if they are surrounded by it. Meaningful and lasting connections can’t be forced. They must be made in our own time and in own way. Yet, there are a few things that can be done to facilitate and encourage this.  Even urban environments are bursting with life, which means you don’t have to be in a forest or beautiful flower meadow for Nature to cast its spell. Sadly, most of us have lost the knack of noticing, so rarely dedicate time to truly see and appreciate Nature.   

To help open up our eyes and minds, and bring us closer to nature, the University of Derby have developed 5 pathways to greater connection (https://www.derby.ac.uk/blog/5-ways-closer-nature/): 

  • Contact – multisensory, tangible experiences 

  • Beauty – Engaging with the aesthetic ‘awe-inspiring’ qualities of Nature.  

  • Meaning - thinking about the meaning and signs of nature and what they mean to individuals.  

  • Emotion – Finding and exploring emotional bonds with, and love, for nature 

  • Compassion - Extending the self to include nature, leading to moral and ethical concern 

These were consistently found to be important and effective at making people feel closer to nature, which makes them useful for individuals, educators and practitioners when thinking about the sort of activities and exercises that will create connection with Nature. 

The Natural Health Service 

Even amongst those who would consider themselves connected to Nature, like myself, it is all too easy to forget to nourish it, to go back to the source and refresh now and again. Perhaps we need to view it as less of a luxury and more of an essential part of our human existence, where we are part of Nature rather than separate and sanitised. That is why it is great to see moves towards green social prescribing in the NHS, including research and pilot projects in Wales.

With all of this in mind, back in the middle of my own mini wellbeing crisis, it is tempting to stay a little longer here in this earthy embrace, let a few more winter leaves fall and settle on my back. By the time I finally pull myself up and dust myself down, I have totally lost track of how long I have been here and realise I should probably get back - I’ve still got work to do after all! But now, at least, with moss in my hair and flecks of mud on my cheek, I feel in a slightly better state to tackle it.  

Gaeaf Llawn Lles: Terfysg Digidol

2 Mawrth 2022

Ymunwch â ni am Derfysg Digidol! Geithdy cyffrous am ddim sy'n dathlu drag a hunaniaeth rhywedd  a'i ymwneud â hanes protest Cymru.

Mae'r prosiect hwn, a ysbrydolwyd gan hanes Merched Beca, yn archwilio hunaniaeth fel rhan o brotest.

Bydd 'Terfysg Digidol' yn anelu at wneud hyn drwy gynnal gweithdy i bobl ifanc rhwng 10 a 14 oed yn Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru.

Bydd y diwrnod yn cael ei rannu'n dair rhan:

  • Dyluniwch eich bathodyn protest eich hunain
  • Gwnewch arwyddion protest wedi'u hysbrydoli gan hanes y Merched Beca
  • Ac yn olaf, yn gwisgo ein bathodynnau ac yn defnyddio ein harwyddion protest byddwn yn ymweld â'r tolldy yn Sain Ffagan i lwyfannu a thynnu lluniau ein mini-terfysg Merched Beca ein hunain

Bydd cyfranogwyr y gweithdy hwn hefyd yn derbyn 'Pecyn Celf' wedi'i lenwi ag adnoddau.

Cynhelir y gweithdy am ddim yma am 12-2pm ar 12 Mawrth 2022. Gall cyfranogwyr ymuno naill ai yn Sain Ffagan yn bersonol neu'n ddigidol dros Zoom. I archebu eich lle cysylltwch â info@galeriesimpsonswansea.com

Mae Terfysg Digidol yn brosiect a ddyfeisiwyd gan yr artist Abigail Fraser ar gyfer y rhaglen allgymorth cymunedol 9-90 gan artistiaid GS Abertawe, fel rhan o Geaf Llawn Lles, a ariennir gan Llywodraeth Cymru.

Dylunio (Mynegeiol) Arbrofol

Evie Banks, 23 Chwefror 2022

Mae dylunio mynegeiol yn bodoli o'n cwmpas ni! Mae'n cofnodi'r rhyngweithio rhwng gwrthrychau, gan ddogfennu'r weithgaredd dan sylw. 

Cymerwch olwg ar y darlun hwn gan yr artist Olafur Eliasson. Fe'i creodd allan ar y môr yn ei gwch trwy drochi pêl mewn inc du. Gadawodd iddo rolio ar draws y papur er mwyn cofnodi’r tonnau a symudiadau'r cwch ar draws y cefnfor. 

Beth am greu eich darlun arbrofol eich hun? 

Mi fyddwch angen: Beiro, darn o linyn, pad braslunio. 

1. Clymwch y darn o linyn (neu beth bynnag rydych yn ei ddefnyddio) i'r beiro neu bensil.   





2. Clymwch ben arall y llinyn i gangen coeden. (tip – mae canghennau tenau yn symud dipyn mwy na rhai tewach)  







3. Rhowch ddarn o bapur o dan y beiro a gosod amserydd am ba bynnag faint o amser yr hoffech adael y beiro symud (fe wnaethon ni amseru am 10mun)  








4. Gwyliwch y gwynt yn chwythu drwy’r canghennau gan adael patrwm y gwynt ar y darn papur. 

5. Canlyniad: Darn o gelf  wedi ei greu gan natur 

Mae'r lluniau yma i gyd wedi cael eu tynnu wrth i fi geisio creu dyluniad arbrodol fy hun, gan ddarlunio symudiad coeden yn ystod gwynt storm Corrie. 

Mae modd dilyn symudiad y cynghennau ar y papur - pan mae'r marciau yn dew rydym yn gwybod bod cyfnod o lonyddwch, pan mae'r gwynt yn chwythu wedyn mae'r llinellu hynny fwy tennau. 

Rhannwch eich dyluniadau hefo ni, tagiwch ni ar Instagram neu Facebook gan ddefnyddio #gaeafllawnlles


From Stay at home parent to Stay at home project maker.            

Lowri Kirkham , 9 Chwefror 2022

My name is Lowri and I am one of the Freelance Project makers working on the Winter of Wellbeing project. My main role is as part of a small team putting together activity packs for families and young people with the goal of improving wellbeing. But before this project, I had been a stay at home parent for over a decade. 

The last time I was formally employed, it was 2011. A year where it was still acceptable to say ‘talk to the hand’, 3D movies still seemed like a good idea and Flossing was just a dental practice, not a dance. So when I heard about a position that involved working with young people in the heritage sector, which are both my areas of interest, where I could work from home around my family, I couldn't believe my luck! However, after so long away from work, even with a few relevant qualifications and experiences I have, I struggled to know if I had anything of value to offer.  

Thankfully, I did not need to worry too much. My experiences as a parent have been surprisingly essential to the work I have been doing. Even my daughter has become involved in testing and photographing some of the activities which will now be shared with thousands of children around the country. That got me thinking about how valuable our skills as parents can be in the workplace. For example: 

  • If you can construct a play kitchen with no instructions and 2 missing screws at 11.30pm on Christmas eve… you can problem solve. 

  • If you can negotiate a screaming toddler out of a soft play area… you can hold your own in any meeting. 

  • If you have managed to get everyone out of the door on time, with a packed lunch, reading book read, spellings learnt and cupcakes for the charity bake sale (that you will pretend you baked yourself but actually bought on the way to school and bunged in a Tupperware box) and still arrive at school on time…You can project manage. 

I know now, through working on this project, that I do have value outside of the home. The Winter of Wellbeing project has not only given me the opportunity to make a difference in young people's lives, it has given me invaluable work experience, built m

y confidence up and allowed me to contribute financially to my family. And because of the short term nature of the contract, I have managed to dip my toe into the employment pool without the massive worries about childcare in the summer holidays, which is often a barrier for parents returning to work.  

All in all, I have had a ball so far on the project, I have met so many interesting and inspiring people. I have learnt so much in such a short space of time and will come away from it more confident to apply for future jobs I might previously have discarded because I thought I wasn't good enough. Feeling valued outside of the home has added so much to my wellbeing and I am so thankful for that.