Aur o Gymru’r Oes Efydd

Aur o Gymru'r Oes Efydd

Early Bronze Age pottery beaker

Of long-necked type. Decoration coarsely combed throughout, consisting of short, oblique lines on the internal bevel of the rim and herring-bone on the external lip. There are three zones containing reserved bar-chevrons on the neck separated by narrow, plain bands. The upper two zones have a ground of short oblique lines, the bottom zone is plain. The body is decorated with a series of bar-chevrons arranged to form a continuous horizontal diamond-pattern, the diamonds decreasing in size towards the base. Of good ware with a pinkish buff burnished surface.


Archeoleg a Nwmismateg

Rhif yr Eitem


Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad

Enw'r Safle: Cors-y-dre Farm, Llannon

Nodiadau: found in a cist with no trace of human remains


Donation, 16/4/1930


(): height / mm:203.0
(): maximum diameter / mm:165.0 (girth)
(): diameter / mm
(): internal diameter / mm:140.0 (of rim)
(): diameter / mm
(): weight / g:948.4
(): length / mm:102.0 (of neck)
(): diameter / mm:80.0 (of base)




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