Aur o Gymru’r Oes Efydd

Aur o Gymru'r Oes Efydd

Early Bronze Age pottery food vessel

Grey-black ware with coarse grits, grey smoothed, somewhat damaged surface. Crude bucket shape, with internal bevel to rim. The decoration consists of two zones of large chevrons formed of two or three lines of wedge-shaped units made up of four or more notches, the zones seperated and framed above and below, by three or five horizontal grooves. Savory anomalous form.


Archeoleg a Nwmismateg

Rhif yr Eitem


Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad

Enw'r Safle: Linney Barrows, Pembrokeshire

Nodiadau: Found with contracted skeleton (since lost) in a cist beneath a small round cairn. A monolith had been set up on the coverstones of the cist, and the mound contained other elaborate features.


Donation, 29/4/1926


height / mm:181.5
diameter / mm:(mouth) 177




In store
Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.