Aur o Gymru’r Oes Efydd

Aur o Gymru'r Oes Efydd

Early Bronze Age pottery food vessel

Hard grey ware with large grits and smooth brown outer surface, with double furrows round the shoulder, and a nearly vertical rim, the decoration consisting of cord impressions arranged in horizontal herring-bone patterns on the inside and outside of the rim and on the shoulder. There is a row of corded 'horse-shoes' below the upper shoulder-groove and a row of oval impressions stamped on outer bevel of the rim. There is evidence of ring-building. Savory group A - vase, cordon decoration.



Archeoleg a Nwmismateg

Rhif yr Eitem


Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad

Enw'r Safle: Llanddyfnan, Anglesey

Nodiadau: Inserted over a secondary creamtion burial in the larger of the round barrows at Ty'n-y-pwll


Bequest, 11/12/1942


(): height / mm:440 (approx.)
(): diameter / mm:(shoulder) 400 (approx.)
(): weight / kg:10 (approx)




St Fagans Life Is gallery : Prehistoric and Roman Death

Caiff Casgliadau Arlein ei ddiweddaru yn rheolaidd, ond gwnewch yn si’r bod eitem yn dal i gael ei arddangos cyn ymweld yn arbennig.

Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.