Aur o Gymru’r Oes Efydd

Aur o Gymru'r Oes Efydd

Neolithic human head (reconstruction)

Model of the reconstruction of a Neolithic human skull, based on original skull, 74.23H found during excavations at Penywyrlod. The model's creation was based upon a computer reconstruction undertaken by Past Forward Ltd. in York. The original skull is that of a man in his mid to late twenties excavated from a chamber within the Neolithic chambered tomb of Penywyrlod.


Archeoleg a Nwmismateg

Rhif yr Eitem


Gwybodaeth am y darganfyddiad

Enw'r Safle: Penywyrlod, Llanigon

Cyfeirnod Grid: SO 151 316
Dull Casglu: excavation
Dyddiad: 1972 / Sep

Nodiadau: original skull


Purchase, 6/11/1996



hardened polystyrene


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