Gwylio'r crocws!
23 Ionawr 2012
Gwyliwch eich crocws yn ofalus iawn dros yr wythnosau nesaf. Gall blodeuo ar unrhyw adeg nawr, yn enwedig os yw eich ysgol yn y De neu ger yr arfordir. Gweler yr adroddiadau isod o ysgolion sydd wedi gweld arwyddion bod eu blodau ar y ffordd.
Ers 6 Ionawr fy Nghrocws wedi tyfu 1cm yn dalach. Mae'r dail bach a blagur wedi gwthio drwy'r pridd, felly rwy'n rhagweld y byddaf yn cael rhywfaint o flodau'r wythnos nesaf, neu'r un ar ôl. Gweler fy llun a'i gymharu ag eich pen eich hun.
Cennin Pedr:
Mae fy Nghennin Pedr yn 6 cm dalach, ond rwy'n credu y gallent eu cymryd 3-5 wythnos arall i flodeuo.
Mae'r cennin Pedr wnes I blannu yn hydref 2010 eisoes wedi tyfu eu blagur, felly dylai fod dim ond wythnos neu ddwy nawr cyn iddynt flodeuo. Edrychwch ar y lluniau i wybod beth i edrych am - pan fydd rhai chi yn dechrau ymddangos.
Atebion i'ch sylwadau:
Westwood CP School - Bulbs are starting to push through - no flowers yet - not too far away. Prof.P: Great news - I can't wait to see the pics!
Ysgol Bro Cinmeirch - Wythnos gwlyb iawn yma! Athro Ardd: Gobeithio bod y bwrw wedi gorffen nawr!
Stanford in the Vale School - Dear Professor plant. What a week! Bitter cold at the start of the week and then considerably warmer towards the end of the week! The children have been hoping for snow :-) Kind regards, Gardening Club. Prof.P: Yes the weather has been very changeable, snow would be lovely but it could harm the flowers!
Woodplumpton Primary School - We are excited that some of our bulbs have started to grow. Now we are looking closely every day and worrying a bit about ones that haven't appeared! Prof.P: Great that some bulbs are coming through, don't worry about the others they should come in their own good time!
Christchurch CP School - Some of the bulbs started to grow. Green shoots have started to come though! Excellent news! Prof.P: Watch them very carefully now.
Laugharne VCP School - We were very excited when we returned to school after the Christmas break to discover that 8 of our daffodils and one of our crocuses have started to grow! We couldn't believe it very early! Prof.P: So exciting! Keep watching to catch those flowering dates.