Mineral Database (Saesneg yn unig)

Mineral Database (Saesneg yn unig)


Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Formula: NiSO4.7H2O
Status of Occurrence: Unconfirmed Occurrence
Distribution: Uncommon
Chemical Composition: Nickel sulphate hydrate
Method(s) of Verification: none.
Chemical Group:
  • Sulphates
Geological Context:
  • Supergene : in situ natural oxidation & weathering deposits
Introduction: a green alteration product of nickel-bearing sulphides.
Occurrence in Wales: a 'yellow-green substance' occuring as partial coatings on millerite from the Elled Vein at Bedwellty, Gwent, was reported by North & Howarth (1928) as being a mixture of probable morenosite and an unidentified sulphate. More recently Firth (1971) described oxidized millerite from Tylorstown Colliery coated by morenosite. This green coating on millerite from other coalfield localities has been reported as jamborite. Subsequent X-ray diffraction analysis by the National Museum of Wales (e.g. NMW X-902) has failed to provide a distinct pattern and confirm the identity of morenosite or jamborite. Recent research suggests that these coatings are in fact nickelhexahydrite (P.A. Williams unpublished data).
Key Localities:
There are no key localities for this specimen.
  • Firth, J.N.M., 1971 The Mineralogy of the South Wales Coalfield.  Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Bristol.
  • North, F.J. & Howarth, W.E., 1928 On the occurrence of millerite and associated minerals in the Coal Measures of South Wales.  Proceedings of the South Wales Institute of Engineers, 44, 325-348.