Hafan y Blog

Am dywydd mawr!

Catalena Angele, 12 Chwefror 2013

Rydych chi wedi bod yn anfon adroddiadau tywydd cymysg iawn i fi dros yr wythnosau diwethaf! Cwympodd llawer o eira mewn rhai ysgolion, ond dim mewn ysgolion eraill. Da iawn chi i gyd am anfon eich adroddiadau drwy gydol y tywydd rhewllyd.

Eira mân eira mawr …

Dyma nifer o ysgolion yn cofnodi eira…St. Mary's Catholic Primary School, Ysgol Bwlchgwyn, Ysgol Gynradd Glyncollen, Stanford in the Vale Primary School, Thorneyholme RC Primary School, Coppull Parish Primary School, Freuchie Primary School, Balcurvie Primary School, Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Gladestry ac RAF Benson Primary School.

Dyma rhai ysgolion yn dweud wrtha i eu bod nhw ar gau oherwydd yr eira... Manor Primary School, St Joseph's Primary School, Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Henllys, Ysgol Nant Y Coed, Ysgol Gynradd Rhydypennau ac Ysgol Gynradd Rogiet!

Dyma rhai ysgolion yn gweld ychydig bach o eira, neu ddim eira o gwbl... Diolch i Stepping Stones Short Stay School ac Ysgol Iau Aberdaugleddau am eich adroddiadau.

Ers yr eira, mae nifer o ysgolion wedi cofnodi gwyntoedd uchel, stormydd a llawer o law, ond wrth edrych drwy’r ffenest galla i weld yr haul yn tywynnu – dyna dywydd amrywiol mewn ychydig wythnosau! Mae’r egin cennin Pedr a crocws talaf yn yr ardd yn 7cm o daldra erbyn hyn. Pa mor dal yw eich egin chi?

Cyngor Craff mewn tywydd rhewllyd: Os oes eira neu rew yn eich mesurydd glaw, dewch ag e i’r ystafell ddosbarth i doddi cyn cofnodi. Cofiwch arllwys y d?r allan ar ôl iddo doddi a’i roi yn ôl y tu allan!

Eich cwestiynau, fy atebion:

St Joseph's Primary School (Penarth) Our school was closed last Friday because of snow so we couldn't get in to check on our freezing bulbs. We have noticed, however, that one of our bulbs has started growing whilst the others are snug underneath the compost in their pots. We tried to think about why this might have happened and wondered whether it is because that particular bulb was planted by you, Prof. Plant and maybe you have encouraged it to grow!?    We are pleased to see that the weather has got a bit warmer and are hoping that this means that our bulbs will start to grow. We are very keen to see them flowering!  Prof P: Thanks St Joseph’s! Well, I am very green fingered! It’s very exciting waiting for your flowers to arrive isn’t it?

Rogiet Primary School The bulb pots were full of snow this week, we were worried they would die but Mrs Carter said they would be all right!  Prof P: Don’t worry, Mrs Carter is right, they are very hardy little plants so I’m sure they will be okay.

Ysgol Nant Y Coed We are sorry for sending the records late because school was closed because of the snow last Friday.  Prof P: No problem! Thank you for sending them in when you could.

Stanford in the Vale Primary School Wow... what a bitter cold week, and all the snow we have had! All our bulbs are completely covered in snow... and more snow is expected tonight! Monday's snow/rainfall was frozen, so we brought the recordings inside and allowed to melt! (We hope this was the correct thing to do!) :-)  Prof P: Well done Stanford in the Vale that was exactly the right thing to do!

Gladestry C.I.W. School We have started measuring the few bulbs that have come out. The daffodils and mystery bulbs have come out; we think the mystery bulbs are snowdrops, as they have grown very fast.  Prof P: That’s a very good guess!Keep watching them and let me know if your guess is right.

Balcurvie Primary School One of the extra bulbs that we planted in a pot and left it in the classroom has began to sprout! We were all very excited. We have also had a very wet week!  Prof P: That is exciting Balcurvie! I hope you enjoy watching it grow. I wonder when your outdoor bulbs will catch up?

SS Philip and James Primary School We thought it went well except we forgot to pour out the water once so we counted the amount of water added on the next day. We enjoy doing it, Phil and Jim Team.  Prof P: That’s okay, thanks for letting me know and keep up the good work. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

Ysgol Y Ffridd Dim Record Dydd Iau oherwydd ysgol wedi cau (Dim Dwr yn yr ysgol).  Prof P:  Athro’r Ardd: Diolch am y wybodaeth gan Ysgol Y Ffridd. Gobeithio bod y d?r wedi trwsio erbyn hyn.

Darran Park Primary 42 of the bulbs have sprouted.  Prof P:  Gosh that’s a lot! Well done Darran Park Primary.

Ysgol Porth Y Felin To pp, plants are all ok the temperature rised alot on Tuesday! there was a storm on Saturday night so there was loads of rain on Monday. Happy planting!!!  Prof P: Great reporting Ysgol Porth Y Felin, hopefully all that rain will help your plants to grow.

Rhydypenau Primary School A very interesting week of weather!  Prof P: I agree!

Diolch yn fawr

Athro’r Ardd

Catalena Angele

Swyddog Addysg - Casgliad y Werin Cymru
Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.