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Catalena Angele, 7 Mawrth 2013

Helo blantos y bylbiau,

Cofiwch bod angen i chi anfon pob adroddiad tywydd a chofnod blodau ata i erbyn ddydd Gwener 29 Mawrth. Dim ond tair wythnos sydd ar ôl i chi anfon eich data!

Peidiwch poeni os nad yw’r planhigion wedi blodeuo eto, mae tair wythnos yn amser hir. Mae canlyniadau’r blynyddoedd diwethaf yn awgrymu bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r blodau wedi agor erbyn diwedd Mawrth.

Bydd pob disgybl yn yr ysgolion fydd yn anfon eu cofnodion yn derbyn Tystysgrif Gwyddonydd Gwych fel yr un yn y llun! Ond bydd pawb yn derbyn gwobr arbennig arall eleni – pensel Gwyddonydd Gwych i gofnodi canlyniadau eich arbrofion, felly cofiwch anfon eich cofnodion!

Ble wnaeth y planhigion flodeuo’r wythnos hon?

Dangosodd blog yr wythnos diwethaf taw Ysgol Nant Y Coed oedd y cyntaf yng Nghymru i gofnodi bod eu blodau wedi agor, a’r wythnos hon mae mwy o blant yr ysgol wedi anfon cofnodion blodeuo! Mae blodau Ysgol Nant Y Coed yn tyfu’n dda iawn. Ys gwn i os welodd Llandudno lawer mwy o haul na gweddill Cymru?

Mae Greyfriars RC Primary School yn St Andrews, yr Alban wedi cofnodi hefyd bod y crocysau yn blodeuo ac mae Ysgol Iau Aberdaugleddau yn Sir Benfro wedi cofnodi bod crocysau a chennin Pedr wedi blodeuo! Da iawn i’r ddwyn ysgol.

Pan fydd y cennin Pedr yn blodeuo, cofiwch fynd ati i dynnu llun! Gallwch chi anfon eich lluniau ata i a chymryd rhan yn yGystadleuaeth Darlunio Cennin Pedr. Bydda i’n chwilio am ddarluniau prydferth, ond mae’n rhaid labelu darnau’r blodyn yn glir hefyd. Gallwch chi weld esiamplau gwych o enillwyr y blynyddoedd diwethaf yma.

Eich cwestiynau, fy atebion:

Rhydypenau Primary School: We had rain over the weekend, that is why our gauge was full. Prof P: Thank you for the explanation Rhydypenau, that's really helpful!

Ysgol Nant Y Coed: Some of the crocus bulbs have flowered so we're sending that information now too. Prof P: Fantastic news! Thanks for your flowering records.

SS Philip and James Primary School: We really enjoyed doing it and remembered to do it every day, we hope that we can do it again soon. Phil+Jim bulb team aka Isaac and William. Prof P: I am so pleased that you are enjoying it so much – I love recording the weather too!

Henllys CIW Primary: still no flowers. Prof P: It's exciting to see your flowers open, but your report that they have not opened is very valuable scientific information too! It could tell us a lot about how cold it has been this winter or how much sunshine we have had.

St Joseph's Primary School (Penarth): We have noticed that our plants continue to grow but we are keeping a very close eye on them to see which one will flower first - we can't wait! Prof P: I feel the same every morning when I look at my plants too.

Greyfriars RC Primary School: 11 daffodils are in bud. A's crocus is the only one growing but all the other daffodils but A's, why is A's daffodil not growing? Prof P: This is a very good question! I’m sorry that your daffodil is not growing A, you haven’t done anything wrong! I am glad your crocus is growing instead. Sadly we do have a small number of bulbs every year that do not grow, it happened to some of mine last year. The reason it happens is unclear. When a daffodil doesn't make a flower gardeners say that the plant has gone 'blind' - as it has no flower head.

Ysgol Porth Y Felin: we had our holidays on the 11 - 15 week so we'll skip a week. everythings ok there hasn't been much rain and the temperature has been a little high!
from porth y felin. Prof P: Many thanks!

Kilmaron Special School: The school was on holiday on Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday we had very heavy snow and although the rain gauge only had 3mm in it there was almost 6cm of snow by 2pm. The gauge is in quite a sheltered place as we had problems with a pupil seeking it out and emptying it. Prof P: Good idea to move your rain gauge to keep it safe.

Glyncollen Primary School: We hope our flowers open this week as well. Prof P: Fingers crossed!

Kilmaron Special School: Still no signs of our crocus bulbs although the ones planted years ago in our other raised beds are blooming and the ones in the grass next to our raised bed are almost out. Prof P: Keep watching them Kilmaron!

Diolch yn fawr

Athro’r Ardd

Catalena Angele

Swyddog Addysg - Casgliad y Werin Cymru
Nid yw sylwadau ar gael ar hyn o bryd. Ymddiheuriadau am yr anghyfleustra.